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Pegasus & Veteran Pony Plushes

ForumsItem Sales → Pegasus & Veteran Pony Plushes

Pegasus & Veteran Pony Plushes

#246486 Posted on 2021-08-20 16:12:23

I have one of each and am taking offers.  I'm willing to wait a bit to see if I get an offer I like on each of them.  They're currently sitting in my archive account, and I only collect plushies on my main.  I'd be willing to consider trading for plushies I don't have.

I currently have the black, lucky, pegasus, rainbow, unicorn, valentines, and veteran ponies in my display cabinet, so anything on that list would be fair game for trade.

Also, I have a gazillion unicorn plushies and NO idea what to do with them, so if anybody wants a unicorn, I am likely to take just about any offer, LOL

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