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ISO Paint Foundation Stallions

ForumsLooking For... → ISO Paint Foundation Stallions

ISO Paint Foundation Stallions

#236368 Posted on 2021-02-28 20:05:49

I have about 5 Foundation mares to 1 Foundation stallion. 2 of these mares are already at 18 and so I am looking for older foundations. I checked the market, but there is just a youngin' and I'm wanting to breed these gals sooner rather than later!

If you have any that you don't think quite meet your breeding program or you are willing to part with please let me know either by commenting or PM'ing me. 

Qualities I'm hoping to find
Not GG or White
Less than 60 NSS
Western Specialty
At least 15 Years Old (Not a deal breaker, especially if they have good color)

Otherwise I am happy to take a look at whatever you are wanting to sell!

Thank you,


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