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Even adults get bullied.

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Even adults get bullied.

#23598 Posted on 2016-03-26 17:17:08

I used to get bullied a lot because of my weight. It used to bother me when people would make fun of me, but I've been large for the better portion of my life. I guess I've gotten over being sensitive about it. Yes. I'm fat. Big whoop. Matter of fact, I've lost 25 lbs in the last year and I'm still working on it.

Anyway, I make jokes about my own weight.. or flip it around on the person who was so kind enough to point out that I'm fat. Believe me, they regret that decision rather quickly. Not that I'm particularly hurt when someone says something. I just find it so ridiculous that they felt the need in the first place. True, I probably shouldn't stoop to their level and become antagonistic, but by God is it fun to see their looks of horror when I dramatically create a small scene, calling attention to their nonsense.
"Oh my God! What do you mean, I'm fat? I swear! I was JUST a size 2 this morning! I can't believe this!" -pretends to hysterically sob before pinning with stare-

I... get a giggle. -innocenteyelashflutter-

For the most part, though, I'm lucky enough to be around people who don't give two craps about what anyone looks like. I haven't honestly met anyone here in my corner of Texas that cares about weight or any of that. It's nice.

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