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freeze grey query

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freeze grey query

#136115 Posted on 2017-12-23 09:51:31

Please forgive the stupid question, but can you confirm that the freeze grey only affects the horse it is applied to - in this case Wynter's Flame a Chestnut Sabino Mustang. What happens to the progeny? I apologise if the question has already been asked.

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Kythryn Wyldewood

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#136122 Posted on 2017-12-23 10:12:22

not a stupid question at all. i believe that the freeze grey will not affect any foals because technically the grey is still in the gene and that's what gets passed on to the foal. so when you reveal wynters flames genotype it will either be GG or Gg and one of that's what the foal will get not the freezing C:

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#136329 Posted on 2017-12-24 10:18:28

I haven't used freeze grey myself, but from my understanding it affects the image not the Genotype! So it is a one horse only thing, more for decoration and aesthetic purposes rather than changing the horse itself. If you wanted to change the Genotype on a horse you would use a grey tweak to modify the genes and make the horse gg/Gg/GG. For our game at this time grey is complete dominant so there's no difference between GG and Gg on the images.

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