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Tag, You're It [A Roulette Role Play] [Beginning]

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Tag, You're It [A Roulette Role Play] [Beginning]

#12790 Posted on 2016-03-01 06:46:04

Nicolai Moore

Nick fidgeted under the officers gaze. A strange stray thought came to him.
I have to get out of this situation...I can't be arrested, no, not yet. Nick
once again slipped the photos from his pockets, but the officer took them from
his hands. Nick sized the officer up, and realized that he was much bigger than the officer, and that he could easily take him down, but he couldn't imagine himself doing that. No, I have to get out of here civilly. But all the scenarios that ran through his mind were the farthest from civil as possible. Finally, an idea popped into his head. He collapsed on the ground, and let his body go limp. The officer kneeled by his side, and turned away from him one moment to speak into his radio. Nick took his chance and swung his leg under the officer. The officer fell to the floor, imbetween two seats. Nick jumped up, and jumped from the sub.

Lani Adams
Lani searched her purse frantically for her cell phone as she heard the latest news.
She quickly called her fiancé, and tapped her shoe on the floor. She buried her face into her hands when his all to familiar voice went to the answering machine.
She sank into the chair of her hotel room seat and went over the events of the past few days. Her and Frank just wanted to have a short break from the hectic life in England. But everything had changed in only a short matter of time. Her home had been destroyed, along with her belongings stolen. Frank had gone to town, and now he wasn't answering her calls.

Last edited on 2016-03-01 at 15:05:30 by CountryPony🎵

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#12793 Posted on 2016-03-01 07:01:12

The plane engine roared. In the seating area of the large plane, lay a brook. Her body lay still, almost lifeless... Her heart slowly beating. But, her heart rate increased, and her hand started twitching. And then, out of nowhere her eyes burst open. Brooklyn gasped. She looked around, still not moving her body. Her head pounded like it was being beat with a hammer. Her breathing was quick and sharp. Suddenly, with a power that was not her own, Brook sat up. She gasped at seeing her surroundings. Her head was spinning and her vision hadn't completely returned. "Okay..." Brook said under her breath. She pulled herself of of the ground with the assistance from a plane seat. She looked around. "Help!!!" She screamed. But no one was there. Nobody replied. Brooklyn emptied her pockets onto the floor, and dropped to her knees to inspect the objects. She picked up a piece of gum that had fallen out to get rid of the awful taste in her mouth. She found an ID card with the name brook on it and a picture of a girl. She looked up and around for a mirror or glass. She pulled herself up again, and ran to the bathroom in the back of the plane. She looked at herself in the mirror and looked at the picture. "Brook..." She said. "I must be Brook..." Brook ran out to the seating area again and got back down on her knees. And then she remembered something. Wouldn't a plane need a pilot?She thought. She got up and ran to the cockpit. She nearly screamed when she got there. Not only was there no pilot, the cockpit was smashed to bits. The situation was becoming clear to Brook. And she realized what she needed to do. She needed to get off of that plane.

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#12970 Posted on 2016-03-01 11:58:46

No response came over the radio and he slammed it into his back pocket slowing to a walk. His breath came heavy but he was in a less populated place now, a park maybe? He looked around, green eyes scanning the immediate area for anyone who thought he looked suspicious. Maybe there was something else in his pockets that could help him remember, the burn on his arm felt like it was on fire, as he stretched it out to search his pocket. A piece of plastic and a small piece of paper were pulled out, the other items he only touched briefly, recognizing their shape. He looked at the objects in his hand, the piece of plastic might have been an I.D. but it was way to melted to read. On the other hand, the picture was only slightly burned and showed a younger woman, who was skinny with green eyes and dark wavy hair. Who is this? he asked himself, the corner of his mouth raising in frustration at his inability to remember anything.
He started walking towards the street, maybe someone further away from the accident could tell him more about the situation. There was a group of people standing around a car and the brown haired man stood by listening from the shadows of a vine covered wall. The Prime Minister? he stood awestruck for a moment. Who could have done that and why? he watched as the people started to sob and chatter amongst each other. He squinted as he tried to hear the rest of the broadcast over the people The president of the United States? Here? It was a little odd that he would come so quickly but the man shrugged it off and started to walk over to the people by the car.
Suddenly his two-way radio connected sending loud static and voices through the quiet park, they sounded as if they were in a small room covered in tiles from the way the voices echoed. He jumped and immediately grabbed at the device and turned it down, slouching against the wall with it to his ear as he listened to the voices. After they stopped he pushed the button, Hello? he called into the device softly. Anyone there?

Last edited on 2016-03-01 at 13:11:03 by Amarathine

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#13060 Posted on 2016-03-01 14:20:52

Brook ran back to the seating area. She looked around frantically. She needed something to get her safely out of the plane. Brook ran to the back, where there was an emergency storage closet. She opened it up and to her relief, there was a parachute. She pulled it back into the seating area. She unzipped the back it was in and spread it out over the seats. Brooklyn inspected it very closely. She nearly had her hopes up till she got to the other end, where there was a hole big enough to stick her head through. No! Not a hole! She thought. Then, she ran back to the storage closet. Brook searched through some old bags and boxes. In them, she found some tape and some electric devices. Duct tape... I could patch up the holes... Brook thought. She ran back to the parachute and unraveled some tape. She tore it with her teeth and lay it over the part of the hole she continued this process till she covered the hole and a bit extra. Once done on the one side, she flipped it over and taped up the other side. She continued to make sure that the parachute would at least get her to the ground with most of her body in tact.

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#13130 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:10:20

What?! Alissa's eyes widened as she overheard the news broadcasting from one of the nearby televisions. The death of the Prime Minister was quite a shock to her, as expected considering the reactions from other citizens. As the initial shock wore off, the feeling of irritation rose. This whole ordeal was confusing to her, how she had woken up with no memory to what happened and now this. But the fact that the President of the United States was on his way, and pretty early, caught her curiosity. As quickly as that came, it was gone, as her attention was drawn to her two-way radio. It must've turned on, as it began to emit static noise. Not wanting to draw attention to herself, she quickly ran to a nearby room and shut herself inside. Luckily, it was vacant. "Hello?" Alissa called hesitantly into it, hoping to receive an answer.

(Gah, this is a little short. I'm on mobile at the moment.)

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#13156 Posted on 2016-03-01 16:45:27

[b]Nicolai Moore[/b]

Nick continued to run, slowly gaining back his strength. He climbed the stairs to the nearest exit,
and slowed, hoping to look as normal as everyone else. He could hear the echo of the officers
footsteps close behind him in hard pursuit, so he made a sharp turn to the right and up more stairs. He rounded a building, and held his breath. Thankfully, he no longer could hear the officer behind him.
Finally let himself breathe, and let himself relax. But a dreadful feeling still lurked in his mind. It was
emptiness. The emptiness of not knowing who he was, or where he came from. But along with the
dread, came the horror that someone was still after him.

Lani Adams

After a period of about 30 minutes, Lani tried to call her fiancé again.As the phone rang twice, her mind went blank. What is my fiancé's name again? She frowned, and shook her head. Buy as she thought harder, doubts formed like dark storm clouds. Do I have a fiancé? She asked herself.
Don't be ridiculous, of course I do. But....why can't I seem to remember him?

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#13378 Posted on 2016-03-01 21:27:10

Brooklyn inspected her work, making sure everything was in place. Now, all she had to do was gather up the courage to jump out of the plane. She folded the parachute up, and walked to the back. She found a little hatch that opened up and led to the large cargo hold in the bottom of the plane. She dropped the parachute down and then climbed down the little ladder that didn't quite reached the ground. She jumped the three feet to reach the ground. Once down, Brook ran to the right side of the cargo hold and opened the door. It burst open, and Brooklyn struggled to stay inside. She pulled herself back with an excess metal plate. She did her best to stay standing as she stumbled to the parachute. She unfolded it and put the straps on her back. Brook buckled the front. Then, she pulled the straps that went under her right leg up and buckled it. Then, She did the same for the left. What the hell am I doing, and who put me on this damn plane? were the thoughts running through her head. She rarely ever cussed, but this was a special occasion. Brook stumbled back to the door, and without a thought, jumped out. She'd done this before, when skydiving. This was just a little more intense. Brooklyn glided down. And she was in the air for what seemed an eternity. Finally, she saw something. Water... she thought. It was better than being in that plane, though. But finally, once the clouds blocking her view moved, she saw the city. She breathed a sigh of relief. Brook was now only about 20 feet from the water. She hit the water a few seconds later and went under. She frantically tried to un buckle the parachute. It took her a bit, but she finally got it off and swam to the surface. She gasped air when she reached the top. Brooklyn floated for a minute. She finally decided to stop wasting time and started swimming for the shore. Luckily, it was only about a two minute swim to the harbor. She swam and swam, even though her energy had been sapped. Brook climbed up a ladder onto one of the decks. It was quite a large harbor. Brooklyn squeezed out her hair and rung out her shirt before continuing on she walked till she reached the stairs that led her up to a grassy area. She walked around and observed her surroundings. It's a park... Brook realized. She wandered around, searching for someone to help. Brooklyn finally spotted a man (Jesse). Um... Excuse me. She started. Could you tell me where I am?

Last edited on 2016-03-01 at 21:30:01 by Birdie

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#13787 Posted on 2016-03-02 14:14:24

He waited patiently for a response but again nothing came. A grumble came to his lips, how was he supposed to figure out who he was and why he was here if no one answered him and the general public would probably get suspicious of his questions? His gaze turned towards the photo in his hands and he concentrated on the girl's face. There was only a blank space and the man frowned in his confusion, he usually had a great memory but something changed that. Maybe I'm just getting old. he thought as he looked to the ground and sighed.
A woman's voice sounded from behind him and he jumped, turning around quickly to face the threat. His eye's widened and he looked down at the picture once more. How could this be? Green eyes went back to the girl, Uhm, hey. Where was she, he didn't even know where he was. He quickly came up with a rouse. I have no idea, tourist. he gestured towards himself. He needed to be careful, if she asked the right questions he could land himself in a situation where he didn't want to be. I am guessing that you aren't from around here either? he asked smiling softly at the girl. She seemed so familiar yet not at the same time.

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#13921 Posted on 2016-03-02 17:50:34

She looked up at him, and her gaze met his. I'm on a school field trip and got a little lost. She lied. Brooklyn figured that she could get away with it, because of her size. Brook stood there, feeling stupid. Here she was, standing there sopping wet, talking to a stranger. I'm originally from New Jersey... She felt bad lying to the man... but she had no choice. What else was she supposed to do? She had no idea where she was really from it what she was doing here. Suddenly, she felt a stinging pain it her head. Something trickled down her forehead. She reached up her hand and wiped it off. Brook looked at her blood smeared hand. Crap. .. She said under her breath. She tried to cover the blood with her hair, so the man wouldn't be suspicious of her.

Last edited on 2016-03-02 at 17:51:08 by Birdie

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#14284 Posted on 2016-03-03 11:26:11

She was American then, and she was very wet. The brown haired man looked her over quickly, Are.... you alright, you are very wet. he said, stating the obvious. Why was she in the U.K. anyway? And on a school trip? What kind of school sent students from the U.S to the U.K.? Green eyes squinted slightly as he tried to make sense of the young woman and why she looked so familiar.
The girl touched her forehead and mumbled under her breath, then spread her hair across her forehead. Did she think I didn't see that? He grabbed her hand, firmly but gently. You are bleeding. How did you get that cut? he asked reaching up to the girl's face. He felt strangely connected to her and he didn't know why.

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#14310 Posted on 2016-03-03 12:14:50

I'm fine... Seriously. It's just a little cut... Brooklyn. She flinched when the man grabbed her hand. No, no, no, no, NO! She thought. Brook was now stuck in a situation that made her uncomfortable. Now, this man would ask questions. He would want to know where she was really from and what she was really doing in the U.K. But these were all things that she couldn't understand either. Brooklyn couldn't remember anything before waking up on that plane.And when she couldn't answer his questions, He would ask more questions. Brook was scared. Very scared.

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#14448 Posted on 2016-03-03 15:55:58

Listen... he started, noticing that she was obviously stressing, he gave in to make her feel a little better. The brown haired man pulled his hand away from her face and shoved it into his pocket. He shuffled the other miscellaneous objects around in order to find the piece of paper with the image on it. He didn't let go of her hand in fear that she would run off and he wouldn't be able to catch her if she disappeared. Ahh there you are. he thought grabbing the paper. He brought his hand out of his pocket and put the singed picture at her eye level. I don't know where I got this picture but it looks like you... In fact I am pretty sure that it is you. His eyes were hard on hers waiting for a reaction. Who are you? he stood still, his eyes squinting slightly in concentration, waiting for her reaction.

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#14590 Posted on 2016-03-03 21:07:03

Brook stared at the picture. It was her. In fact, it matches the picture she had of herself. The more she stared at the picture, the more the lump in her throat grew and the more her throat stung. She looked away from him, and towards the city. I... I don't know who I am. the tears welled up in her eyes and her head throbbed from resisting the urge to cry. She looked back at him with eyes full of sorrow and confusion.Who are you... and what do you want from me? Her voice shook and she tried to pull way, but gave up because his grip was too strong.

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#15176 Posted on 2016-03-04 22:18:06

He watched her reaction intently, trying to figure out what she was thinking and how it could benefit himself. curious, she has amnesia as well. What is with this city? he huffed as her gaze returned to him. How do you not know who you are? He asked her angrily, but it was more aimed at himself than the woman before him. But she had asked him the same question, Don't let her know... a voice echoed inside his head. Who I am is of no concern to you, for all I know you are lying! he raised his voice, grip tightening on the woman's wrist.

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#15180 Posted on 2016-03-04 22:31:01

Brooklyn pulled harder and harder away from the man. You're hurting me! She yelled as his grip tightened. I can't remember anything from before today. I'm stuck in this strange city. I just had to jump out of an airplane and in to the freezing ocean. And now I'm being held captive by a lunatic. Brook said angrily. She didn't care that she sounded crazy. All she knew was that this man was frightening her. She tried with all of her might to pull away from him, but she was just to small. And I had to lie. How would you feel if you couldn't even remember who your own parents were. What you last name is. Or what your favorite color is. Huh? Plus... why should I tell a complete stranger who I am evenif I did remember my past. Now let go!!! She said. She was furious.

Last edited on 2016-03-04 at 22:32:10 by Birdie

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