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Former Horses of Red Sunrise (#124767)

Former Horses
♘ Sale #9 - 1 year old Trakehner Stallion
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 5302 Points:
Arabian Knight 66.59- - 12 year old Arabian Gelding
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 750 Points:
Belle Star 92.06 - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1475 Points:
Copper Freckles 66.24 - 15 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1298 Points:
Eva - 3 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 112 Points: 0
Flora 62.13- - 12 year old Trakehner Mare
Grade: N5 LV: 4 Stats: 350 Points: 0
Fused Filament 54.25** - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: Na3 LV: 5 Stats: 1621 Points:
Ginger Peach 67.01 - 11 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 758 Points:
Irish Miss 79.09* - 19 year old Miniature Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 4 Stats: 963 Points: 0
Mia Andalou 50.50 - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 843 Points: 0
R All Dressed Up d* - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 715 Points: 0
R Annabelle w* - 21 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 750 Points: 0
R Apple of my Eye w* - 22 year old Appaloosa Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 742 Points: 0
R Black as Night dr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 696 Points: 0
R Bugatti Fire r - 21 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 1384 Points:
R Bugatti Royale r* - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: Na4 LV: 5 Stats: 1847 Points:
R Bugatti Smoke r - 21 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 1391 Points:
R Bugatti Veyron - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 690 Points: 0
R Bullet w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 664 Points: 0
R Caramel Star 95.51 - 22 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: Na4 LV: 5 Stats: 1925 Points:
R Cherokee Strip w - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1497 Points:
R Cherokee Sun w - 22 year old Appaloosa Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1243 Points:
R Cloud Comfort w - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na5 LV: 5 Stats: 1945 Points:
R Clouded View w - 22 year old Appaloosa Mare
Grade: Na3 LV: 5 Stats: 1540 Points:
R Crazy Tiger r - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1231 Points:
R Creme de la Creme r - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 898 Points:
R Crystal Labyrinth w* - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 804 Points: 0
R Dawn's Light w - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 896 Points:
R Della Rae dr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 698 Points: 0
R Desert Walker e - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 974 Points:
R Diamond Rio w* - 21 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 787 Points: 0
R Divine Faith - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I4 LV: 5 Stats: 4556 Points:
R Driving Force dr - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 672 Points: 0
R Fall of Night - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1148 Points:
R Fancy Lady (93.25) w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I4 LV: 4 Stats: 4885 Points:
R Gaelic Dancer w* - 22 year old Trakehner Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 742 Points:
R Gaelic Fire j - 22 year old Trakehner Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1160 Points:
R Garnet e - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: L4 LV: 5 Stats: 706 Points: 0
R Gotta Go r* - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 785 Points:
R Hidden Moon e - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1026 Points:
R Hidden Talents d* - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 655 Points: 0
R I like Purple e - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 707 Points: 0
R I Spy j - 22 year old Andalusian Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 700 Points: 0
R In the Shade d - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 866 Points:
R Indigo Rock j - 21 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 582 Points:
R Jade Volcano r* - 22 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 982 Points:
R Kansas Outlaw w* - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na4 LV: 5 Stats: 1847 Points:
R Kansas Wind w - 21 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 2142 Points:
R Kingston e - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 545 Points: 0
R Light and Dark j - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 873 Points:
R Light's Out dr - 22 year old Lipizzaner Stallion
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 1474 Points:
R Lightening Storm dr* - 22 year old Lipizzaner Mare
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1382 Points:
R Long Ride - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 719 Points: 0
R Mach 1 - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 1304 Points:
R Maple Love d - 22 year old Andalusian Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 4 Stats: 8680 Points:
R Marey Anne e* - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 730 Points: 0
R Mika j* - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 661 Points: 0
R Moana dr - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 699 Points: 0
R Molly's Smoke d - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 755 Points:
R Montblanc d - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1451 Points:
R Nearly Crystal w* - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I3 LV: 5 Stats: 3480 Points:
R Neigh Tay r - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 5 Stats: 840 Points:
R New Estimate d - 21 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 925 Points:
R Night Life r* - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 780 Points: 0
R On the Right Trak j - 22 year old Trakehner Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 502 Points: 0
R One Life e - 21 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1071 Points:
R Orion's Legacy w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 5 Stats: 5536 Points:
R Paradox of Faith w* - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I4 LV: 3 Stats: 4749 Points:
R Past Midnight d - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 832 Points:
R Pearl Bugatti r* - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1356 Points:
R Pepper Marie e - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 804 Points:
R Plains Twister w* - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na3 LV: 5 Stats: 1590 Points:
R Pretty Girl dr - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 684 Points: 0
R Pretty Mind j - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 667 Points:
R Princess of Fire r - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1093 Points:
R Rainy Breeze j* - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1380 Points:
R Rainy Silver j - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1160 Points:
R Reversed Sun* j - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 539 Points: 0
R Rolling Hills w - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: Na3 LV: 5 Stats: 1517 Points:
R Rolling Stone w - 22 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1235 Points:
R Rusted Iron e - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 724 Points: 0
R Siberian Legend r - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R4 LV: 5 Stats: 980 Points:
R Silent Running r* - 22 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 1322 Points:
R Snowy River w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 5 Stats: 3101 Points:
R Snowy Sage w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 5 Stats: 5514 Points:
R Spotted Cloud w - 21 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1845 Points:
R Stargazer Phase j - 22 year old Lipizzaner Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 5 Stats: 896 Points: 0
R Starlight Dreamer w - 22 year old Paint Horse Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 2109 Points:
R Sunrise d - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: I4 LV: 5 Stats: 4629 Points:
R Surprise Finish d - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1108 Points:
R Tarina d - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 768 Points:
R Tay r* - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 737 Points: 0
R The Intimidator d - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R5 LV: 5 Stats: 1040 Points:
R The One e - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1165 Points:
R Tomi's Sky W - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: Na5 LV: 5 Stats: 2083 Points:
R TR Walker j* - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 714 Points: 0
R Triple Threat d* - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1195 Points:
R Underestimated d* - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 696 Points: 0
R Unexpected Result d - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1181 Points:
R Valley of Dreams w - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: I2 LV: 5 Stats: 2793 Points:
R White Bullet w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 5 Stats: 2074 Points:
R Wildfire r - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 1084 Points:
R Windy Leaf j - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 680 Points: 0
R Winter Frost r - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 5 Stats: 712 Points: 0
R Yea or Neigh r - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 5 Stats: 645 Points: 0
Renegade Star 98.46 R - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I2 LV: 5 Stats: 2531 Points:
Starry Sky 96.80 - 18 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: Na5 LV: 5 Stats: 2001 Points:
Wanna Dance 58.38* - 22 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 5 Stats: 684 Points: 0
White Chocolate 47.88- - 9 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N5 LV: 4 Stats: 311 Points: 0
Wolfgang Shines 78.34 - 14 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 5 Stats: 1289 Points:
Z Alexander the Great - 21 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: L4 LV: 4 Stats: 764 Points:
Z Alina 0 w - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 2 Stats: 533 Points:
Z All Mine - 21 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 4 Stats: 798 Points:
Z Anticipating Love 6 d - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 3 Stats: 10717 Points:
Z Arabian Knife - 21 year old Arabian Mare
Grade: L3 LV: 4 Stats: 605 Points:
Z Bay at the Moon -1 w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 565 Points:
Z Black Cloud - 21 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 556 Points: 0
Z Bold Star 1 w - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 901 Points:
Z Chasing the Dream -1 dr - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 3 Stats: 1047 Points:
Z Chocolate Cookie -1 dr - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 2 Stats: 532 Points:
Z Clay - 21 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: N5 LV: 2 Stats: 385 Points: 0
Z Cloud's Shadow 1 w - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: Na5 LV: 3 Stats: 2944 Points:
Z Colorado Sunset - 21 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: L5 LV: 4 Stats: 839 Points:
Z Culbert Ranger -1 w - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 490 Points: 0
Z Dance Star 8 d - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 3 Stats: 10833 Points:
Z Dance Trak j - 22 year old Trakehner Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 998 Points:
Z Determination -2 w - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 530 Points:
Z Dragging Around* -2 dr - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 539 Points: 0
Z Emery - 21 year old Friesian Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 2 Stats: 564 Points:
Z Endure to the End* -3 e - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 516 Points: 0
Z Enduring Spirit* -1 e - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 521 Points: 0
Z Faded Sunlight 8 w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 3 Stats: 7206 Points:
Z Flying Blind* -2 r - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 502 Points: 0
Z Gentleman Jim 0 dr - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 3 Stats: 972 Points:
Z Irene by the Sea* 0 dr - 22 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 813 Points:
Z Iron Bender* -1 j - 22 year old Clydesdale Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 515 Points: 0
Z Iron Diamond w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 4 Stats: 890 Points:
Z Iron Sea -1 dr - 22 year old Clydesdale Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 2 Stats: 653 Points:
Z Jackie 0 dr - 22 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 4 Stats: 1150 Points:
Z Jacks are Wild 0 dr - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 2 Stats: 958 Points:
Z Jackson 0 dr - 22 year old Clydesdale Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 1041 Points:
Z Jumping Bean* -2 j - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 523 Points: 0
Z Kingston Justice -1 e - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 3 Stats: 800 Points:
Z Know Smoke -2 r - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 3 Stats: 956 Points:
Z Lady Adelene -1 j - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 536 Points: 0
Z Legacy's End 0 w - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 2 Stats: 917 Points:
Z Light as Air 0 d - 22 year old Clydesdale Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 570 Points: 0
Z Light Rein 0 d - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: L4 LV: 3 Stats: 695 Points:
Z Lost Diamond e - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 2 Stats: 572 Points:
Z Midnight Whisper 6 j - 22 year old Trakehner Mare
Grade: I3 LV: 4 Stats: 4556 Points:
Z Miracle Worker 0 w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: L1 LV: 3 Stats: 478 Points:
Z Never Lost -2 dr - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 3 Stats: 644 Points:
Z New Legacy 6 w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I4 LV: 2 Stats: 4755 Points:
Z Night Storm -1 e - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 2 Stats: 791 Points:
Z No Smoking -1 r - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 3 Stats: 970 Points:
Z No Tracks -1 j - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 3 Stats: 905 Points:
Z Owen Money* -1 dr - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 537 Points: 0
Z Paint Me -1 e - 22 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 556 Points: 0
Z Peace of Mind j - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 1 Stats: 999 Points:
Z Peace* 0 j - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R3 LV: 3 Stats: 1235 Points:
Z Point Blank -2 r - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 560 Points:
Z Pulled a Fast One* -1 dr - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 505 Points: 0
Z Quiet Fire 2 d - 22 year old Grade Horse Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 3 Stats: 5676 Points:
Z Raine Cloud -1 d - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: L5 LV: 4 Stats: 873 Points:
Z Retro Rocket* -1 r - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 497 Points: 0
Z Roman Sword d - 22 year old Andalusian Mare
Grade: Na4 LV: 4 Stats: 2723 Points:
Z Run for it* 0 r - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 519 Points: 0
Z Sapphire 6 w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: I5 LV: 3 Stats: 5300 Points:
Z Siberian Smoke 0 r - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 4 Stats: 1306 Points:
Z Sienna Range w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 2 Stats: 1993 Points:
Z Silver Challenger 2 w - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: Na2 LV: 3 Stats: 2178 Points:
Z Silver Tracks j - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 1041 Points:
Z Smoky Shade -1 d - 22 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 941 Points:
Z Spotted Record 0 w - 22 year old Appaloosa Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 3 Stats: 1230 Points:
Z Starlight Serenade -1 w - 22 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 553 Points: 0
Z Starlit Hills -1 w - 20 year old Paint Horse Mare
Grade: R3 LV: 4 Stats: 1344 Points:
Z Steel Me 0 e - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 3 Stats: 1116 Points:
Z Stormy Flight d - 22 year old Andalusian Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 4 Stats: 10604 Points:
Z Successful Sovereign 10 d - 22 year old Andalusian Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 4 Stats: 6141 Points:
Z The Traveler 0 r - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 1184 Points:
Z Whiskey Star w - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: I5 LV: 2 Stats: 7169 Points:
Z Whisper Quiet -2 d - 22 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 4 Stats: 554 Points: 0
Z White Shadow 0 w - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 3 Stats: 535 Points: 0
Z Wild Soul -1 dr - 22 year old Grade Horse Stallion
Grade: L4 LV: 4 Stats: 753 Points:
Z Windy Mountain 0 j - 22 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: L4 LV: 4 Stats: 759 Points: