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Former Horses of II (#108967)

Former Horses
[65.63] - 7 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 762 Points:
[67.61] - 7 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 2 Stats: 698 Points:
[71.18] - 7 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 796 Points:
[75.76] - 7 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 852 Points:
[78.62] - 7 year old Quarter Horse Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 813 Points:
128 non-speciality - 6 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 2 Stats: 1241 Points:
64.46 - 14 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R2 LV: 3 Stats: 828 Points:
69.62 - 14 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: Na1 LV: 3 Stats: 1169 Points:
bye - 20 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 2 Stats: 692 Points:
Christmas Eve Sarajevo - 17 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 669 Points:
Cyber Garfield [72.14] - 9 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 818 Points:
Faithful Knight [73.08] - 15 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 4 Stats: 1314 Points:
Got Your Six [63.23] - 15 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: L4 LV: 4 Stats: 567 Points:
Ice Tiger - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: L4 LV: 2 Stats: 518 Points:
Must Be [64.33] - 14 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 3 Stats: 853 Points:
No Reflections [71.07] - 10 year old Dutch Warmblood Stallion
Grade: Na1 LV: 2 Stats: 1328 Points:
Pretty Lady [72.19] - 15 year old Dutch Warmblood Mare
Grade: R5 LV: 4 Stats: 1114 Points:
Sea Gold - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion
Grade: R1 LV: 2 Stats: 709 Points:
Speed Run [72.85] - 9 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: R2 LV: 2 Stats: 779 Points: