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Foals of Sundance|97.73

All Foals of Sundance|97.73
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Alice (6PE+2E) 17 years old Silver14 BlackenedSparrow |99.28
+ Cheeky Sandstorm 8 years old Lily's Place Cheeky Boys Retreat (92.79) |h
Dancer |98.61 5 years old Ayla Abu (7PE+1E)
Sugar and Spice| 98.36 4 years old Forevertime1 SeaSparrow|97.71
TW {Sundancing Hunk} | 95.41 2 years old Accio_Crowley Hunk
CWS Archibald 1 year old Bip Bip Lechuga D7-98.16