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Foals of 55 eeo 58.30 EeAAtCrDPRbT

All Foals of 55 eeo 58.30 EeAAtCrDPRbT
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
^{na} Born of Wreck 3/13 22 years old Krow II ☽ ^{na} Persephone 1/23
V.V. Enchanted Treasure {60} 13 years old SummerBreeze1 [Dv]🔹 Once upon a Time /RnSb$
52 oeo 57.58 EeAaCrP 8 years old Confessor II 51 oee 59.74 eeaa
[Dv]🔹 Glitter and Gold 4 years old Amaimon [Dv]🟆 Fantasy /TbSb
Ee Aa Crcr Pp Rbrb T+63ns58.43 3 years old Krow II ☽ ^{na} Persephone 1/23
Little Absinthe (58.19) 2 years old Gypsies Pumkin{DS}[7G1P](13.3)
Star 1 year old May W 53 CONV Blackened Sweetner