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Foals of 001| Soft Lust (59.85)

All Foals of 001| Soft Lust (59.85)
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Foggy Mornings 22 years old Paimon 001| Teeth Bared (58.32)
(E) Assateague Sea JourneyDr63 22 years old Kryssyn Elara Moonstone Singularity [67.67]
(E59) Assateague Sea Spectre 22 years old Kiara Kyssarnha V.V. Hurricane (E)
(E63) Whistle DownThe Wind 20 years old Kythryn Wyldewood Cinema Star
010|Chocolate & Cheese (60.71) 15 years old Wild Horse Cavern 001| Teeth Bared (58.32)
Ubyr 9 years old Denali 001| Teeth Bared (58.32)
Soft Thunder 6 years old Royal Storm
Apricot 5 years old SandyByTheShore Magdalena
retired 4 years old V.V. Hurricane (E)
Golden Memory D 56.31 4 years old NightShade II [ED] Chocolate Espresso
Z M EmRoad 56.07 Sty2CDZPSpGEA 4 years old Radairc 2
61.12, sty palomino spl sabi 2 years old Z. ⚘ Annie
New Foal 0 years old NightShade II love drought 51.25