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Foals of +Fire 'N Ice+eeAAtFf [71.58]

All Foals of +Fire 'N Ice+eeAAtFf [71.58]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
+Jules On Fire+eeAAFfZz[74.33] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Jules+ eeAaff [75.46]
Pablo 22 years old Shearwood Estate Dianeera 68.38T
+AZ Icy Hot+ eeAAtFfSp[80.16] 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Arizona Romance AAtffSp [87]
Tobiano Splash AAtFfT+Sp 75.01 22 years old Rivendell Riding Academy +Arizona Fancy+eeAADdff[84.36]
🍂Cheyenne E Ff 16 18 years old Ron(Justin) Flaxen Chestnut eeaaffZz 67.83