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Foals of El Silencia

All Foals of El Silencia
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Warlock Silencia Idril 22 years old Deer Creek Nutella (3rd level)
Horse 20 years old bedfordblack Naki 92.95
88.49 75000 18 years old R. Omikron
National 3 17 years old Sessake ﻯ Omikron
Rß Darov 87.18 Pal 6 years old Radairc 2 SA •Davian
The Puzzling Bear 2 years old Black Heights Stables Wotan | 96.58
Vulkan 1 year old asdf Wotan | 96.58
Lombardo 0 years old Dawn Warlock | 96.42
Hemlock 0 years old Harley Omikron