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Foals of *WS* Tequila Sunday (83.97)

All Foals of *WS* Tequila Sunday (83.97)
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
~Snowman~ 22 years old madison *WS* Diamond In The Sky(54.00)
*WS* Val Gal 22 years old Whisky Black Rubicano Mare 58.88
*WS* Patticake (83.03) 22 years old *Windsong Stables* *WS*Bahama Mamma (84.90)
*WS* Sunday Cinna (81.30) 22 years old *Windsong Stables* *WS* Single Cinna (76.07)
*WS* Bahama Sun NpEEAaChFF 82 22 years old *Windsong Stables* *WS*Bahama Mamma (84.90)
No Pattern 88.03 22 years old *Windsong Stables* *WS* Hot Mamma EeAaFFZzT+ (86)
56854 - Aphrodytey's Affection 13 years old Kiara Kyssarnha *WS* Cover Girl (57.66)