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Foals of [S] ||46.00|| Femone

All Foals of [S] ||46.00|| Femone
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
R 18 years old Syrien 🐇 ☽ Zhivago's Midori W
[W] ||52.30|| Coda 18 years old BWRGallanttry Zhivago's Bubblegum W
Indi 15 years old Iris Zhivago's Draculon D
[W] ||57.63|| Zarena 7 years old BWRGallanttry Twisted Temptations
||51.84|| Boiled Slush 4 years old BWRGallanttry RR
Scyther 4 years old Lusthus |57.50|
Smokey 2 years old Blue Feather Rescue Zhivago's Kronos Rc
Zhivago's Fierce Sapphire 2 years old Zhivago's Vodka E
XXXXX 2 years old Mallory Zhivago's Illegal Drifter W
XXXXX 1 year old Nook Lusthus |57.50|