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Foals of [W] ||55.75|| Livadite

All Foals of [W] ||55.75|| Livadite
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
[E] ||58.67|| Tivasius 10 years old BWRGallanttry Lusthus |57.50|
RR 8 years old BWRGallanttry Inlir Palewalker (73.75) (W)
Zhivago's Charming Bone W 7 years old Zhivago's Midori W
[W] ||62.93|| Myrocos 6 years old BWRGallanttry Twisted Temptations
Tiger Eyes 6 years old Graves Zhivago's Kronos Rc
||59.76|| Stale Blast 4 years old BWRGallanttry RR
Zhivago's Glowing Bronze 3 years old Lusthus |57.50|
rc 3 years old WelshLover4241 Zhivago's Metropolitan E
Zhivago's Premium Fuchsia 2 years old Zhivago's Vodka E
New Foal 2 years old Misami Zhivago's Illegal Drifter W
XXXXX 2 years old WelshLover4241 Zhivago's Draculon D