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Foals of Fright Night Ruler

All Foals of Fright Night Ruler
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
~DWG~American Pharoah X3 perfe 22 years old
%TBC%Best Sky 22 years old ❥ Errie
Aphasia 22 years old Starfall Dressage Beauty
Chocolat Noir 22 years old Starfall Dressage ∞ Courtesan Au Chocolat
Balto 22 years old StanleyBabes Something Royal
Imperator Furiosa 21 years old Starfall Dressage Abby
Freaky Friday 21 years old Emma Blackbird
His Fright Night 21 years old His_Queen Beyonce
✫Blue✫ 16 years old âšœRemington Nevada