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Foals of kM. infinite oddity

All Foals of kM. infinite oddity
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Choque 92.63 22 years old Nikki Hot Shot 94.20
Lucille [79.53] 22 years old LaterPeaches kM. electrine belle
† {zz} Interstellar 4p 21 years old ☄️ Shikam Pitin ☄️ Azaléia 686 5P ♥
kM.04 electric oddity (80/53) 14 years old coldbrew kM. electrine belle
kM. infinite belle 9 years old Summer kM. electrine belle
New Foal 2 years old coldbrew ☘ Promotora's Ghost
Imogen 0 years old Tall Oaks kM. electrine belle