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Foals of ∞Nephilim {foundation

All Foals of ∞Nephilim {foundation
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
∞Sweet Nephilim [46.99] 22 years old hailyx ∞Sweet Machismo
₥. miss missing you. 22 years old maplɛ ∞Expensive Taste {foundation
∞Notorious Angel [44.53] 22 years old hailyx ∞Expensive Taste {foundation
∞Macho Angel [41.48] 22 years old hailyx ∞Sweet Machismo
∞Fallen Nephilim [53.41] 22 years old hailyx ∞If I Fell {foundation
∞Nephilim's Wings [59.29] 22 years old hailyx ∞Lateral Wings {2nd gen