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Foals of [zz] Casanova EEAA CrC Chch Sp

All Foals of [zz] Casanova EEAA CrC Chch Sp
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Sweater Weather 94.00 4P 22 years old Nikki Love 97.13 5P
[zz] Mali 76.38 21 years old SpanishMustang [zz] Bucanera ee AtA Dd ChCh
Zz St. Louis 21 years old Summerset Stables BHF MM Dream On
[MUST] SHS Cowboy Casanova 21 years old ༄ Windspun III [zz] Bucanera ee AtA Dd ChCh
(E) Nirvana Peak 20 years old ♏ Insipid Princess Nirvonne's WIll