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Foals of end multi 60 stud

All Foals of end multi 60 stud
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
N50c58 end storm 2 years old Slick122217 57 sun storm sunny
Fiery Love 2 years old Smokemane 59 litter horse
51c59 blue end 1 year old Slick122217 57 blue face
N49c59 end horse 0 years old Slick122217 59 litter horse
N53c62 multi boy 0 years old Slick122217 62 yellow boy
cull 0 years old 62 yellow boy
cull 0 years old 57 blue face
retire 0 years old 57 blue face
Geld 0 years old 57 sun storm sunny
Geld 0 years old 59 litter horse
geld 0 years old 62 yellow boy
retire 0 years old 57 sun storm sunny