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Arenas of Lightwood Stables

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Viewing Arenas
Arena Name Specialty Grade Fee Slots
Lightwood Arena Dressage Novice $20 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Endurance Novice $20 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Dressage Local $40 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Dressage Local $40 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Dressage Local $40 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Dressage Local $40 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Endurance Local $40 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Dressage Regional $60 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Dressage Regional $60 10 / 10
Lightwood Arena Endurance Regional $60 10 / 10

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