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"So fun seeing so many returning members!"

The Person Behind the Name

- 25yo afab non-binary, genderflux (she/they pronouns), & bisexual

- avid gamer with a particular liking towards indie games and games with good storytelling, immersion, music and art style. Monument Valley, OXENFREE, and the Last Guardian remain some of my favorites of the past several years. Though, I enjoy casual and competitive games like UNO, Sims, Mario Kart, Rival Stars Racing, idle tycoon games, etc too. 

- digital and traditional artist for over a decade, see my deviantart page below for examples.

- freelance photographer specializing in animals, macro, fantasy, nature, vintage transportation and supercars.

- creative writer of fanfiction and I have goals to self-publish original graphic and traditional fiction novels over the course of the next 10-15 years. 

- dabbling in animation and may get serious about it in the future. 

- six horses, four dogs, two cats and 30gal tropical fish aquarium keep me fairly busy each day

- disabled and neurodivergent (autistic + dyspraxia).

- My mom and I both have fibromyalgia. I may take short breaks of 1-4 days between doing art or other things due to flare ups or what I call "superfecta days" where my neurodivergence, anxiety, fibromyalgia and something else (usually a migraine or issues with my esophagus) comes together to create a colossally terrible day or sometimes more than one day for me. 



Most of my art can only be viewed by other members of deviantart. 

MY TOYHOUSE WHERE YOU CAN SEE MY CHARACTERS AshleyInspirations Still have over 150 to upload...I've been collecting/creating characters since 2012...


Able to use on all sim games I play (I'll give you a list) and with some limitations on deviantart as well.

Spyder (purchased)

Blink (purchased)

AngelsinDisguise (gifted)

Ride4Life (pass trade)

Arty (pass trade)

Ivy (purchased)


Gifted by me to my closest friends. I'll be giving more of these out soon. 

Wonder Wiki

Coffee Queen



Pixel tags, signatures, icons & large arts - Traditional art

Need to figure out pricing, assemble examples and consider what I can and can't handle in terms of workload. 

Orders 1. DeerCreekArt - 2x Custom 150x150 Tags w/ BG - Character Trade - Evaela (wings, horn, etc) & Odessa - status: sketching phase


Full resolution, quality reference sheets with multiple options available thus pricing varies per order. There is only ever one slot open at a time to prevent myself from being overwhelmed by my orders. *If you're after more than one reference sheet per slot, it will solely depend on the characters/designs and how difficult/taxing they are on me to do. For example, if one is complex, and one is simple, I will start with the complex one and then do the simple one after as a bit of a "breather". However, if both are simple then I will gladly do two per slot.*


EVC & EVD accepted. Will also gladly consider art trades

Most examples are of equines and canines, but I'm glad to do almost any animal. At this time I don't offer humanoid or anthro reference sheets. I have a wide range of linearts at my disposal including ones I've paid real money to use and will give you plenty of options to choose from for your commission. 


1. Frosted Mint - Old Design by Me - Full Reference Sheet - 10% discount applicable/client chose to dismiss it - working on as of March 2024

 Max of two reference sheets per slot at this time, *conditions apply. Waitlist is ordered in first come, first serve basis. Art Pass holders can't disregard the waitlist (out of fairness to all my customers). 


all five spots open


Will do natural, semi-natural, semi-unnatural and fully unnatural design commissions on a case by case basis. 

EVD & EVC accepted. Art or Character Trades considered. 

Base Price List (with examples)

Discounts for Commissions and Disqualifications

Add ons/Companions/etc pricing coming soon


1. OPEN (as of 3/6/2024)


  • Robin #101424 - three designs - paid/finished - 750k  - full reference sheets of simple natural designs
  • 2 designs finished (approved) - last design finished (pending approval) - Just 3x tag recolours left to complete now that all designs have been completed. 


Name & ID || # of designs desired || status of commission || price quote || notes

five spots open

2024 Planned Art (Tag/Sig/Large Art) Sales Stand Tall - 2024 Edition Revival - CLOSED/4 Rounds/All Done

Shape of My Heart - 2024 Valentines Tag - Working On R2 Pickups/No R3 Planned

STYX Collab - Signature - Coming Soon in Mid March/Working On

Untitled - St. Paddy's Day Tag - Coming Soon in March

Collab with STYX - Draft Sig or Large Art/Pagedoll - Coming Soon in April

Call To Arms - 2024 Edition Tag Revival - Coming Soon in 2024

Untitled - Mother's Day Signature or Tag - Coming Soon in 2024

Untitled - Couple/Pairing Signature - Coming Soon in 2024

Under the Sea - 2024 Edition Tag Remake - Coming Soon in 2024

Untitled/Fallin' - 2024 Edition Tag Remake - Coming Soon in 2024

Untitled - Pride Signature & Tag Combo - Coming Soon in June 2024

and more...!


2024 Art

Equiverse Breeding Programs & Colour Specialties

  • Dressage Andalusians: All colours and rabicanos with a particular liking towards cream, silver and dun. Greys are fine. 
  • Western Appaloosas: Most solid colours with particular liking towards silver, seal brown, black, dun, cream, and champagne. Blankets and snowcaps, varnish roan, and all pinto and rabicano patterns only. No leopards or fewspots unless they have a very desirable colour underneath the pattern. White is fine and greys are okay if they are white. No flaxen chestnuts. 
  • Endurance Arabians: All colours including grey and rabicano. No sabinos. Black and Grey are the favored colours. 
  • Endurance Chincoteagues: All solid colours including grey if it has sooty. All patterns. 
  • Driving Clydesdales: Black and Bays only. Sabino is fine. 
  • Dressage Friesians: Black and Chestnuts. 
  • Dressage & Driving Gypsy Vanners: All colours and patterns. Some lines will be centered on solids while others are solely overo and another is for genobombs. Greys are fine for horses being bred to white horses or in which the grey with eventually be removed. 
  • Western Miniatures: All colours and patterns. Grey is fine on leopards, white, fewspot, etc as long as its not GG. 
  • Western Mustangs: Most colours, except for certain duns and greys unless they are white. All patterns, but not all combos of the patterns. 
  • Western Paints: All colours and patterns. Some lines I am breeding for solids, while others are for specific patterns. 
  • Western Quarters: All colours and patterns. Some lines I am breeding for solids, while others are for specific patterns. 
  • Driving Shetland Ponies: All colours and patterns with a particular liking towards silver, sooty, champagne and overo. I keep greys if they have a good colour underneath that's worth removing the grey or breeding it out of the horse or I plan to breed them to white horses, so the grey won't be a problem. 
  • Endurance TWHs: All colours and patterns. 
  • Racing Thoroughbreds: All colours and patterns. Preference to coloured thoroughbreds and creams. 
  • Show Jumping Welsh Ponies: All colours and patterns with a particular liking towards silver, sooty, cream and overo. I keep greys if they have a good colour underneath that's worth removing the grey or breeding it out of the horse. 
Custom Horses to Make (Based on My Real Ones)
  • Red Dun Pangare Sabino Splash Roan Rabicano (ZZ) Vanner Mare - Dressage - Rosie 
  • Chestnut Sabino Roan Rabicano Quarter Mare (ZZ)- Western - Rosie
  • Flaxen Chestnut Pangare Vanner Stallion (ZZ) - Dressage - Mack
  • Flaxen Chestnut Pangare (ZZ) Chincoteague Stallion - Endurance - Mack
  • Flaxen Chestnut Pangare (ZZ) Shetland Stallion - Driving - Mack
  • Solid Black (ff + Pp) Vanner Mare - Dressage - Sweet Pea

Our Horses

Youngest to oldest 

Midnight Masquerade ("Sweet Pea") - Black 2018 Friesian x Pony Mare (joined the family in March 2019) - Not registered

Hidden Timbers Shawnee War Chief ("Loki")  - Bay Tobiano Splash 2015 Miniature Horse Gelding (brought him home in September 2015) - Registered PtHA, AMHR, & AMHA

Dust Bunny ("Dusty") - Mealy Wild Bay 2014 Curly Miniature Horse Gelding (purchased in Sept 2021) - not registered 

Mike's Major Mack ("Mack") - Flaxen Honey Chestnut Pangare 2003 Haflinger Gelding (bought in 2006) - Registered AHR (American Haflinger Registry)

Chance Encounter ("Chance") - White Grey w/ Mottled Skin (possible sabino, varnish, or fewspot) approx. 1996 Miniature Horse Gelding (purchased in or around 2004) - Not registered

Winter Rose ("Rosie") - Chestnut Sabino w/ Extensive Roaning & Somatic Mutation Spot approx. 1992 Paso Fino Mare (bought

around 2002) - retired now and not registered


Our Dogs

Youngest to oldest

Shiloh - 2019 Male Fawn w/ Black Saddle & White Irish + Ticking Beagle (adopted on May 3rd, 2020)

Fiona ("Fi") - 2018 Female Red & White Piebald w/ Chocolate Saddle + Ticking Beagle (adopted in April 2022)

Triscuit ("Trisky") - Female Fawn w/ Black Saddle & White Irish Beagle x Mini Dachshund x Terrier (adopted in February 2024)

Maggie - Female Fawn w/ Black Saddle & White Irish Beagle (adopted in February 2024)

Our Cats

Youngest to Oldest

Kiara - 2016 Female Torbie Domestic Shorthair 

Sterling - 2010 Male Blue Bi-Color Ragdoll 

Other Critters

Unnamed Pair of Pearl Gouramis 

Unnamed Pair of  Black Neon Tetras (leftovers from an old school of them)

Planned New Additions in 2024

New freshwater fish for our 30gal aquarium

2020 Cody Bear had to be euthanized after being diagnosed with a rare type of cancer that could not be treated - he was only 6, he passed in on May 2nd, 2020. We adopted another Beagle, which we have named Shiloh and he is healing our broken hearts and giving us many new memories. He is only 8 months old and is such a sweetheart. - Adopted the day after we lost Cody; we'd already been looking for another beagle, and came across him. We knew he would be perfect and thus far he has been. 

In Memory Of...


Copper - 2011 Red Male Irish Setter (euthanized due numerous health issues in mid 2022) Lacy - 2007 Cream Female Toy Poodle (passed away due to infirmities of old age in late 2021 or early 2022)

Ninja - 2012 Mille Fleur Rooster (passed in 2021)

Cody Bear - 6yo Tri-Color Male Beagle (RIP dear boy! Euthanized on 5/2/2020 due to a rare type of untreatable cancer) 

Pumpkin - 13yo female Australian Shepherd mix (passed away of old age in September 2019) 

Scooby Doo - 15 year old Red Long Haired Chihuahua (Euthanized in 2017 due to going into respiratory failure) Little Bear - 17.5 year old Miniature Poodle x Terrier Mix (Passed away in November 2017) 


Horses Hitt's Samurai Sidekick "Sidekick" - our 24.5 yr old Miniature Horse stallion (died suddenly of an unknown illness on 9/17/18)


Cats Gingersnap - 8yo Shorthair Cat (suffered a severe stroke and passed away two days later in September 2019, mere weeks after Pumpkin's passing)


Notable Fish: Juliet (Female Pearl Gourami), Mrs. Puff (Female Pearl Gourami), Archer & Marian (Threadfin Rainbowfish Pair), Popeye (Zebra Shortfin Handicapped Danio), Hunchie (Gold Leopard Longfin Handicapped Danio), Nemo (Super Red Galaxy Koi HMPK Male Betta), TJ (7yo Black Longskirt Tetra), RJ (6yo White Longskirt Tetra), Jarvis (Betta), & Toothless (8yo Rainbow Shark)

Account Information
Member Name Sib
Member ID 32471
Account Type Deluxe (336 days left)
Joined June 4, 2012
Last Active 2024-04-03 23:52:42
Member Information
Money on Hand $93,283
Money in Bank $11,458,987
Player Level 20
Horses 335 / 335

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 7148776
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $1,308,625

Member Level
Level 20 Experience 291663 (24%) EXP Required 1183864 EXP Left 892201

Sib's Horse Divisions
*** Driving Youngsters LOCKED 2 horses
Not trained today
***Dressage Youngsters LOCKED 3 horses
Trained today
***Endurance Youngsters LOCKED 10 horses
Not trained today
***SJ Youngsters LOCKED 6 horses
Not trained today
***Western Youngsters LOCKED 15 horses
Not trained today
**Spare LOCKED 24 horses
Not trained today
*Breeding Age Range LOCKED 18 horses
Not trained today
American Paint Broodmares LOCKED 5 horses
Not trained today
American Paint Broodmares - Foundation LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
American Paint Stallions LOCKED 9 horses
Not trained today
American Paint Stallions - Foundation LOCKED 11 horses
Not trained today
Andalusians LOCKED 10 horses
Not trained today
Appaloosas LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
Arabians LOCKED 9 horses
Not trained today
Chincoteague Broodmares LOCKED 17 horses
Not trained today
Chincoteague Stallions LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
Clydesdale Broodmares LOCKED 12 horses
Not trained today
Clydesdale Stallions LOCKED 6 horses
Not trained today
Friesians LOCKED 2 horses
Not trained today
Horses In Non-Specialty Disciplines LOCKED 5 horses
Not trained today
Locked Till Suitable Mate Is Ready LOCKED 10 horses
Trained today
Miniature Horses LOCKED 16 horses
Not trained today
Project Breeds LOCKED 19 horses
Not trained today
Quarter Horse Broodmares LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
Quarter Horse Stallions LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today
Retirees LOCKED 0 horses
Thoroughbred Mares LOCKED 5 horses
Not trained today
Thoroughbred Stallions LOCKED 5 horses
Not trained today
TWHs LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today
Vanner Mares LOCKED 21 horses
Not trained today
Vanner Stallions LOCKED 28 horses
Not trained today
Welsh Ponies LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Gypsy Vanner Club

Cream Horse Society

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Specialists Extraordinaire

Equiverse Performance Association

Friesian Club

The Kindness Club

Equiverse Driving Association

Coloured Horse Club

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Elite Racehorse Registry

The EV Art Club

The Tennessee Walking Federation

Trakehner Club

Equiverse Color Association

The Coding Club

The LGBTQ+ Association

Shetland Pony Club

- Clydesdale Society -

Andalusian Club

Arabian Club

The Coffee Club

The Breyer Club

EV Jump! Guild

Bay Is The Way

Rare Colors Club

Equiverse Appaloosa Club

The Recipe Club

Rescue Center Horse Club

Dutch Warmblood Association

Majestic Gypsies

Fandom Central

Preferred Specialties
Paint HorseWesternNone