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McFarland Acres

"Loving EV!"

Alistair McFarland sailed over the seas without a penny to his name. A kind man by the name of Leonard took the teenager under his wing; and employed young Alistair as a stablehand at his racing barn. There Alistair learned how to handle the horses, and began his love for all things equine. He dreamed one day of being able to own his own stable and be a great trainer.

Elizabeth was an exercise rider for Leonard's stable when she met Alistair. They quickly fell in love and got married a few years later. She shared his dream of owning their own stable; and they began to save every penny for that dream.

A couple years after their wedding their first child, Emma, was born. However, she was born too early and died 5 days later. Alistair and Elizabeth were heartbroken by the loss. Their second pregnancy was full of apprehension as the day drew nearer; they were thrilled the day Patrick was born healthy: screaming his lungs out.

Elizabeth got back into exercise riding soon after so they could pay their bills, and to continue saving for their dream. As soon as Patrick was able to sit up; Alistair and Elizabeth had him on the exercise ponies with them. Then on his own, and pretty soon he was zooming around the yard by himself on an old pony from a farmer down the street. They almost had enough money to buy some land near town when tragedy hit again.

Elizabeth was breezing a fresh two year old; when the colt bolted sideways, hitting the rail and sending Elizabeth flying through the air. She was in a coma for months, and Alistair cried for joy the day she woke up. But she would never walk again.

Elizabeth's medical bills were extraordinary, and the couple lost their entire savings; but Elizabeth was alive, and Alistair had gotten a promotion: he was now head trainer at Leonard's stable.

Leonard was kind to the young family; and saw that Elizabeth had fallen into a depression from not being able to work with the horses. When he told her he needed someone to train some new riders; she was giddy with excitement.

Leonard was hard at work training the horses; and Elizabeth and young Patrick spent the days with the riders. It seemed to be looking up for the young family.

As Patrick grew older, he started riding the old racers around the farm; there he discovered his love for jumping. Alistair and Elizabeth looked into getting him involved in some circuits with an old racer, Jim Boy, who had some jumping talent.

Patrick and Jim Boy were scrappy and poor among a group of priviledge, but with his father and mother's help; they started to climb the ranks. A pretty girl took notice of the handsome boy (and not so handsome horse) and began to watch their progress earnestly.

Her name was Emily, and Patrick soon fell in love with her; and they planned for their marriage.

Alistair and Elizabeth were sad to see their boy move out, but they both loved Emily like their own daughter. After their marriage, Patrick and Emily moved north, and Alistair and Elizabeth visited them on any free days.

Leonard grew ill and passed away: both Alistair and Elizabeth were distraught, he had loved them like a father would, and they loved him in return.

For a few years Alistair picked up a few odd jobs, while Elizabeth helped Patrick and Emily with their new daughter, Lianne. They all missed being around the horses, but were happy they had each other still through all the loss.

One morning Elizabeth didn't wake up. The doctors said it was a massive heart attack, but 57 still seemed too young. Alistair was heartbroken; Patrick and Emily took him in to console him through their loss. Young Lianne helped Alistair through the most though, he could see Elizabeth's fiery spirit in the toddler, and took joy in seeing her grow.

Alistair was determined to give Lianne what he could never give Elizabeth: a horse farm. He soon looked into the property he and Elizabeth had saved for; but it had sold. While he was in the area, he stopped by Leonard's old stable and found it deserted. What had happened to the old place?

Leonard's son had inherited the farm, but had never stepped foot on the grounds. Alistair offered everything he had. He took the offer. Finally Alistair had his very own stable. No horses, one old 25 stall barn, and an overgrown training track; but it was his own.

The family spent every free moment repairing the stable, cleaning the grounds, and making the old house habitable. Finally Alistair was able to move into the old farmhouse.

When everything seemed to be coming together, the unthinkable happened, Patrick and Emily were involved in a fatal car accident; leaving 15 year old Lianne to live with her grandfather.

Overcome with loss, but determined to give Lianne everything he wished he could have had; he bought two scraggly, untouched, and underdeveloped three year olds to train with his distraught granddaughter. He vowed to teach her from the ground up and give them both something to keep themselves busy with while they fought through the loss they both felt.

Account Information
Member Name McFarland Acres
Member ID 128906
Account Type Basic
Joined March 9, 2021
Last Active 2023-02-18 10:49:19
Member Information
Money on Hand $16,065
Money in Bank $41,209
Player Level 5
Horses 7 / 70

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Player Points
Yesterday 0
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This Month 0
All Time 17786
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
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This Month $0
All Time $3,077

Member Level
Level 5 Experience 15236 (51%) EXP Required 29352 EXP Left 14116

McFarland Acres's Horse Divisions
Akhal-Teke (later project) 0 horses
Chincoteague Ponies 7 horses
Trained today

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