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"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."


About Me

My name is Tiffany. I am an adult player. In March 2024, I had to put down my Paint Horse mare named Sheza Magic Marker, aka Rose. She will be so sorely missed. In July 2024, I purchased A Ballroom Blitz, aka Blitz. He is a 2024 palomino tobiano APHA/PtHA gelding. I plan to prepare him to show in yearling classes in 2025.


Lakeside Performance Horses

On this account, I plan to show and breed exceptional western and racing horses with a focus on improving conformation. 

My Characters

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"Mischief managed."

Account Information
Member Name Havok
Member ID 126374
Account Type Deluxe (13 days left)
Joined May 20, 2020
Last Active 2025-02-07 09:53:47
Member Information
Money on Hand $30,564
Money in Bank $47,935,487
Player Level 30
Horses 1049 / 1305

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 159062354
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $92,046,966

Member Level
Level 30 Experience 137588511 (100%) EXP Required 3339605 EXP Left -134248906

Havok's Horse Divisions
Racing * Akhal-Tekes * 65-66 19 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Akhal-Tekes * 67+ 49 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Akhal-Tekes * 67+ 7 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Akhal-Tekes * 67+ 49 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Thoroughbreds * 76-78 49 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Thoroughbreds * 76-78 49 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Thoroughbreds * 76-78 34 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Thoroughbreds * 79+ 49 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Thoroughbreds * 79+ 14 horses
Not trained today
Racing * Thoroughbreds * 79+ 49 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 96 [Mares] 15 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 96 [Stallions] 12 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 97 [Mares] 1 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 97 [Mares] 49 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 97 [Mares] 49 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 97 [Stallions] 49 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 97 [Stallions] 0 horses
Western * Paints * 97 [Stallions] 50 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 98+ 46 horses
Not trained today
Western * Paints * 98+ 0 horses
Western * Quarter Horses * 96 [Mares] 8 horses
Not trained today
Western * Quarter Horses * 96 [Stallions] 11 horses
Not trained today
Western * Quarter Horses * 97 [Mares] 49 horses
Not trained today
Western * Quarter Horses * 97 [Mares] 41 horses
Not trained today
Western * Quarter Horses * 97 [Stallions] 50 horses
Not trained today
Western * Quarter Horses * 97 [Stallions] 25 horses
Not trained today
Western * Quarter Horses * 98+ 41 horses
Not trained today
zzzz 0 horses
zzzz 0 horses
zzzz 0 horses
zzzz 0 horses
[Foals * Racing] 37 horses
Not trained today
[Foals * Racing] (Overflow)2 12 horses
Not trained today
[Foals * Racing] (Overflow)3 0 horses
[Foals * Western] 48 horses
Not trained today
[Foals * Western] (Overflow)2 30 horses
Not trained today
[Foals * Western] (Overflow)3 0 horses
[Retired] 37 horses
Not trained today
[Retired]2 0 horses
[zzzz] 21 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Quarter Horse Club

Coloured Horse Club

The Kindness Club

Show Creation Coalition

Appaloosa Club

Western Horse Association

Equiverse Quarter Horse Association

Top Conformation Club

Akhal-Teke Club

International Pintaloosa Horse Registry

One Man's Trash

Arabian Club

High Stat Horsies

Palomino Association

Jigsaw's Galore

Pintaloosa Association

Equiverse Appaloosa Club

Perfect Paints

Equiverse Western Club

Preferred Specialties
Paint HorseWesternConformation
Quarter HorseWesternConformation