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"Unicorns are the reason glitter was invented"

Pony Pastures
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Photo by Canva | Layout by Punny
Welcome to Pony Pastures, located in the Margaret River Region of Western Australia. Here I work with my horses every day, caring for them, training them, and ensuring they are in top form to achieve great things. I like to ensure quality is preserved, and by selecting the best horses to breed I am guaranteeing that excellent genetics are passed down to the next generation. I count on these horses, not as just a form of income, but also as a living reminder of what my stable stands for, and the time and effort it has taken to get this far.

Here at Pony Pastures, my main priorities are high stats, low NSS, improving conformation, and breeding horses with clean non-inbred lines (meaning no repeats in bloodlines, and no deleted horses). All my horses are treated according to their specialty and are looked after with the utmost care, they are my top priority.

I started the majority of my breeds in 2019 and therefore have acquired a large selection of horses with detailed pedigrees, most of which are descended from my original set of horses.

My main goals include the following:

  • Decrease NSS
  • Increase conformation - no poor's in Conformation
  • Increase stats


Disciplines And Breeds

My horses range in a variety of different disciplines and breeds. After some consideration, I have decided to limit the number of projects that I take on and therefore I can give more time and attention to all my breeds and therefore improve the quality of my horses.

Current projects are as follows:

  • Shetland Ponies - Racing
  • Quarter Horse - Western
  • Gypsy Vanner - Driving 
  • Andalusian - Dressage


All my horses will also have color taken into consideration, therefore eliminating the white, and grey, and depending on the breed I may also eliminate patterns, to ensure my horses not only dominate the show ring but also look beautiful in the process.

I strive to include as many rare and beautiful colors in all my breeds as I can, with added emphasis on cream, dun, flaxen, silver, sooty, and champagne. The different modifiers and colors will vary based on what is acceptable or allowed within certain breeds and what looks good on the different breed art. I try my best to include silver as much as I can, as it's my favorite along with flaxen.

I try my best to breed out or eliminate patterns as much as I can in most of my breeds, especially in the Shetland Pony, Quarter Horse, and Gypsy Vanner breeds. I believe that patterns in certain breeds are too common and cover the coat, especially if they are wonderfully colored. I use marking applicators and coat applicators on most of my foundations to allow for beautifully solid coats that shine.


♔ is my brand.

I have this brand so I can easily identify which horses are mine, when I buy a horse I will change its brand to mine. However when buying a horse from me, I don't mind if the brand is changed or kept, it is completely optional to keep it.

Hall of Fame

The horses that I refuse to let die, and therefore are forced to hang around for as long as possible are usually in the Treasure Chest division. These horses are not particularly special in any way, it's just I have sentimental reasons to keep them. The horses that have proved themselves in the show ring or have been excellent horses in terms of NSS, conformation, or winnings are posted below.

  • Racing For Riches - Racing -  Shetland Pony - Stallion - $55,000+ and still counting


About Me

Laureal (pronounced, Laurel) I'm an Australian female in my early 30s, I have always loved horses and EV playing since 2019. I have lived in New Zealand for several years and dream of travelling to Europe or Asia. Due to my weird hours, I'm 14 hours ahead of everyone in USA so I'm usually awake when everyone else is sleeping, therefore it might take me a while to answer PMs.


  • INFP (mediator personality)
  • I love cats and horses
  • I have several serious mental illnesses
  • Pink is my favourite colour
  • Studied at University - want to go back and finish my degree
  • Night owl that has trouble sleeping
  • I consider myself a humanitarian and libertarian


  • I love anything to do with art, drawing, painting, digital and recently sculpture
  • Reading - currently reading The Silmarillion by Tolkien
  • Philosophy
  • Deep discussions about life
  • Languages - trying to relearn German currently



All the horses within my main breeds are bred only once when they reach age 20. I do not make any exemptions to this, especially mares. This is to ensure that my numbers stay as manageable as possible but also decrease the chances of inbreeding, and makes my lines particularly rare and sought after.

  • I refuse to cross-discipline, regardless of stats or conformation. If I have allowed private breeding (which will be for notable players only, you know who you are) I will double and triple check the mare to ensure that both mare and stallion are of the same discipline before I accept any breedings.

  • I no longer allow cross-breedings regardless of the horse or owner asking. I believe after breeding grades for so long, they dilute the pedigree and don't add any extra value to the stallion involved.

  • I will never have mares up for brood, please do not ask. I will only have stallions for stud and for a few players, this is due to several people taking advantage of my horses and repeatably breeding the same stallion continuously many times over.

  • I will only accept mares to breed to my studs if they have an NSS below 65. Again no exceptions. 


If a horse is not for sale, it is not for sale please do not ask. Horses that are for sale will be within the sales division. I will sometimes have whole divisions for sale and will have a dollar sign in the division name.

I will base all my horses for sale on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration NSS, conformation, and desirable genes. I, therefore, will usually have most horses up for at least 100k, reasonable offers are welcome to a point.

Please do not beg or plead for free or cheap horses, I will refuse. With every horse that is for sale, I will take into consideration real-life money and the time it has taken to breed all my horses. Therefore offering a ridiculous amount for a well-bred horse such as 1k for a 150k horse is not only insulting but also rude.

If any horses are up for sale they will be in this forum thread Sales here 

If there are no horses listed at the current time it is because I do not have any available horses that I am willing to sell.


I very rarely do the art thing, if at all. I will usually make a forum post if I am available for commissions or taking on any extra work. What I'm able to do is the following:

  • custom tag and signatures 
  • Large art
  • Custom characters using free or custom lines
  • Redo of old characters

I do not do recolors of tags/signatures due to the way I create my work, therefore I will never have "slots" available for recolors. If you would like a custom tag please get in contact with me, however, I am known to work slowly and carefully, and therefore a single piece may take up to a month. Please be aware of that before ordering. Character website Here

Stable information

Account Information
Member Name Laureal
Member ID 125096
Account Type Deluxe (357 days left)
Joined December 14, 2019
Last Active 2025-01-14 04:48:52
Member Information
Money on Hand $505,108
Money in Bank $31,000,000
Player Level 30
Horses 422 / 1000

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 228
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 154853432
Show Winnings
Yesterday $1,007
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $82,245,123

Member Level
Level 30 Experience 69139343 (100%) EXP Required 3339605 EXP Left -65799738

Laureal's Horse Divisions
Dressage Akhal-Teke 8 horses
Not trained today
Dressage Andalusian 8 horses
Not trained today
Driving Gypsy Vanner Colts 27 horses
Not trained today
Driving Gypsy Vanner Fillies 27 horses
Not trained today
Driving Gypsy Vanner Mares 29 horses
Not trained today
Driving Gypsy Vanner Stallions 26 horses
Not trained today
Endurance Morgan Colts 20 horses
Not trained today
Endurance Morgan Fillies 21 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Colts 17 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Fillies 14 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Mares 20 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Mares Foundations 22 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Mares Foundations (2) 32 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Stallions 11 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Stallions Foundations 17 horses
Not trained today
Racing Shetland Stallions Foundations (2) 28 horses
Not trained today
Racing Trakehner 14 horses
Not trained today
Retire 4 horses
Not trained today
Show Jumping Thoroughbred 11 horses
Not trained today
Show Jumping Thoroughbred Foals 6 horses
Not trained today
Treasure Chest LOCKED 3 horses
Trained today
Western Quarter Horse Colts 0 horses
Western Quarter Horse Fillies 1 horses
Not trained today
Western Quarter Horse Mares 7 horses
Not trained today
Western Quarter Horse Mares Foundation 23 horses
Not trained today
Western Quarter Horse Stallions 7 horses
Not trained today
Western Quarter Horse Stallions Foundation 19 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Gypsy Vanner Club

Cream Horse Society

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Specialists Extraordinaire

Equiverse Performance Association

Low NSS Breeders Club

The Kindness Club

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

The EV Art Club

Trakehner Club

Global Show Pony Association

The Coding Club

Equiverse Pony Association

Shetland Pony Club

Totem Animals

Preferred Specialties
Shetland PonyRacingStats
Gypsy VannerDrivingStats
Quarter HorseWesternStats