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Weathered Wonders

"Working on it"

Hi! Thanks for stumbling on my humble account. I am an adult player from Finland so you can count on me for being online at strange hours of the day.

I focus on low non-specialty stats and good conformation on the side. Horses with interesting colouring is a bonus but not a focus of mine. I also have a barn of older horses and so called project horses of various discipline and quality to keep the economy going.

I try to kep the number of foals per horse at three but sometimes I might exceed it to a maximum of four (but I try not to make it a habit).

If you are interested in a horse please message me, especially the horses in the Sales & Projects barn are up for stud and are very likely to be sold.


I use the following prefixes:

WM — Mustangs I have bred myself or bought as foundation horses
wm — Foundation Mustangs I have bought or rescued

WW — Warmblood horses (mainly Akhal tekes and Dutch warmbloods) I have bred or bought as foundation horses
ww — Foundation warmbloods I have bought or resqued

Ø — a closed line of Quarter Horses bred by me from rescued QH foundation horses (all foundation horses have been rescued and have the same prefix)

w — random projects (bred or raised from day one by me) 

Account Information
Member Name Weathered Wonders
Member ID 116840
Account Type Basic
Joined February 9, 2018
Last Active 2025-02-14 03:38:59
Member Information
Money on Hand $55,739
Money in Bank $6,986,361
Player Level 16
Horses 109 / 110

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 902
This Week 902
This Month 2382
All Time 2528424
Show Winnings
Yesterday $2,675
This Week $2,675
This Month $7,558
All Time $3,038,869

Member Level
Level 16 Experience 281458 (35%) EXP Required 792504 EXP Left 511046

Weathered Wonders's Horse Divisions
Andalusians LOCKED 4 horses
Not trained today
Foundation WM LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
Paints, western LOCKED 9 horses
Not trained today
Projects 3 horses
Not trained today
Racing Thoroughbreds LOCKED 6 horses
Not trained today
Retirement Deluxe 4 horses
Not trained today
Weathered Mustangs LOCKED 15 horses
Not trained today
Western Paints & Endurance Mustangs LOCKED 23 horses
Not trained today
Wonderous Warmbloods LOCKED 20 horses
Not trained today
Ø Rescue LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today
Unassigned Horses 5 horses

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Equiverse Performance Association

Low NSS Breeders Club

The Kindness Club

Equiverse Driving Association

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Elite Racehorse Registry

The Tennessee Walking Federation

Akhal-Teke Club

Dutch Warmblood Society

Magical Mustangs

American Quarter Horse Foundation Association (AQHFA)

The Horse Racing & Breeders Club

Preferred Specialties
Dutch WarmbloodDressageStats