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"Morgans, Appys, and QHs"

൫ Welcome! ൫

Black Mesa Ranch specializes in the Appaloosa, the Morgan, and the Quarter Horse.
We strive to breed exceptional western horses with an eye for conformation and color.
Black Mesa also trains and shows talented western horses of various breeds.
Additionally, we provide many riding school horses a place to call home.

Our main goal is to produce low nss western horses with high conformation.
Color also plays a slight factor, and those goals vary by breed as listed below.
In the Appaloosa, we prefer a single Lp gene for leopard and blanket patterns.
In the Morgan, we prefer single or double dun and cream genes, along with flaxen.
In the Quarter Horse, we prefer the same as above but include roan and rabicano.
In all breeds, we prefer to avoid white, silver, and grey genes.
We also do not permit paint patterns in our Quarter Horses.

Black Mesa sometimes has studs and show prospects available.
Black Mesa Ranch Classifieds

Looking for more great horses? Stop by one of our sister stables!
Rattlesnake Ridge - Goldfield Thoroughbreds

Black Mesa Ranch Hall Of Fame
still establishing lines

Account Information
Member Name Cascabel
Member ID 112388
Account Type Deluxe (67 days left)
Joined June 26, 2017
Last Active 2024-07-22 21:17:54
Member Information
Money on Hand $21,011
Money in Bank $2,535,000
Player Level 19
Horses 349 / 350

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 23460
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 4367210
Show Winnings
Yesterday $41,006
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $2,843,292

Member Level
Level 19 Experience 288263 (26%) EXP Required 1078686 EXP Left 790423

Cascabel's Horse Divisions
I. Appaloosas LOCKED 8 horses
Trained today
I. Morgans LOCKED 11 horses
Trained today
I. Quarter Horses LOCKED 34 horses
Trained today
II. Misc. Western LOCKED 5 horses
Trained today
II. Side Projects LOCKED 43 horses
Not trained today
III. Misc. Other LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
IV. Showing 29 horses
Trained today
IV. Training 27 horses
Trained today
V. Riding School 48 horses
Trained today
V. Riding School Extra LOCKED 50 horses
Trained today
V. Riding School Extra LOCKED 6 horses
Not trained today
X. Sorting LOCKED 38 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

The EV Art Club

Western Horse Association

The LGBTQ+ Association

Preferred Specialties
Quarter HorseWesternStats