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🌹Indigo ʀosξ🌹

"Endurance Gypsy Vanners"

            Welcome to Indigo Rose Stables. I specialize in Endurance Gypsy Vanners. Currently, All of my Vanners will be a completely new line. I'm focusing on great stats/confirmation, and color. Occasionally, I will offer a stallion or mare up for breeding once to the public, however, there will be strict guidelines regarding the breeding.

    About Me
            I am in my upper twenties, live in the US, married to my wonderful husband, and we have a daughter. I have a law degree. I've owned two horses in the past, and I've worked at a riding stable where I've trained horses, and gave lessons/trail rides to all ages. I'm a musician.  
            The Rescues
            I have rescued geldings and mares that will be used as schooling horses. Gray is a color that most buyers stay away from, so at least these guys have a purpose and are well cared for.
         Currently, no horses are being offered up for sale at this time.

Account Information
Member Name 🌹Indigo ʀosξ🌹
Member ID 109964
Account Type Deluxe (36 days left)
Joined March 13, 2017
Last Active 2017-04-15 20:03:23
Member Information
Money on Hand $55,450
Money in Bank $58,092
Player Level 7
Horses 25 / 30

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 239764
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $49,566

Member Level
Level 7 Experience 32102 (30%) EXP Required 104362 EXP Left 72260

🌹Indigo ʀosξ🌹's Horse Divisions
First Generation LOCKED 16 horses
Not trained today
Schooling Horses (Rescues) LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
Second Generation LOCKED 2 horses
Trained today

Club Memberships

Gypsy Vanner Club

The Coffee Club

For the Well Conformed

Rescue Center Horse Club

Before the Recode - Old EVians Unite!

Majestic Gypsies