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Art Update

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Art Update

#95971 Posted on 2017-03-02 11:25:11

To cut it short, I am back at home (for those of you who knew I was at my grandmother's) and do not have access to some very needed files to complete art, however, that does not stop me from being able to complete my orders, they WILL be completed.

I also just lost internet access on my 87 year old computer at home and am waiting to get a new wifi stick to transfer completed art to their owners. I apologize about the wait, but please have patience. I'm a 16 year old student doing the most I can each day, I promise things will get out to you.

Here is a current list of things I am working on (for the most part in order, and a few things may be missing, please send me a reminder PM if something is not on here that should be):

1. Fix kylo's daytime dip recolor
2. Daytime dip recolors for gemini (x7)
3. Custom design for siren

Other reminders:
- send links to shire adopts
- send links to unsold designs

Last edited on 2017-03-10 at 21:01:22 by wey

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