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Pricing Standards

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Pricing Standards

#92740 Posted on 2017-02-12 13:08:17

What is pricing standards for young horses with over 200 stats?I don't want to over price but I don't want to under price my stock either

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#92794 Posted on 2017-02-12 16:35:24

You see, there is no real pricing standard for horses in this game. There are just so many things to take in mind when pricing. I'll list a few things down below

Things to keep in mind when pricing
1. How many stats does this horse have? Is it an appropriate amount for the horses generation and age?
2. How many siblings does this horse have? How many is it going to have?
3. How old were the parents when they had this foal?
4. Are you a well known breeder? Do you have clearly outlined rules to your breeding program?
4. What colors/ patterns does this horse have?
5. Where are the stats located? How many nondisciplinary stats does your horse have?
6. what discipline is this horse in? (I wouldn't set the discipline of a horse until they are 3 years old)

Every one of those things effects whether or not i'm willing to buy a hose, and how much I'm willing to spend. A newborn second generation Seal Brown double roan mare with 315 stats, and only 30 nonspecialty stats, and only 2 siblings would sell for more than 50k, while a chestnut sabino, second gen, 123 stats, with 26 siblings probably wouldn't sell at all, or only around a couple hundred if it did.

There are so many things to keep in mind when selling a horse, a simple answer just can't be done.

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#92795 Posted on 2017-02-12 16:41:26

I like to base each breed differently depending on not only the market for that breed, but a few other things as followed:

1. The # of stats for the age of the horse
2. The horse's color
- if there are any cool genetics played, are they dominant genes? how many other of horses that breed have those genes? are they for sale? for stud/brood? does my horse have higher stats/confo than the others of these genes?
3. The discipline chosen for the breed
4. Markings
- same sub division as color
5. How well does my horse place in shows?
6. What does my horse's pedigree look like?
7. How many other horses are there of this age group/breed? What do their stats look like?
8. How does my horse compare to the 'coolest' horse listed for sale of this breed? (highest stats, points, color, markings, etc.)

It hasn't been easy selling horses lately, so for something young (4-5) with anywhere between 200-250 stats, I'd price around 10-15k, but that's just me.

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