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LAST TIME: 900 stat, 92 confo racing Arabian stud

ForumsHorse Classifieds → LAST TIME: 900 stat, 92 confo racing Arabian stud

LAST TIME: 900 stat, 92 confo racing Arabian stud

#84117 Posted on 2016-12-30 12:26:27

I am putting this guy out there. As some of you may know, I have a limit on the number of times a stud can be bred outside of the herd. My stallion Masqued Identity can only be bred ONE more time before he reaches that limit.

If anybody is interested, his stud fee is 90k.

1. You MUST ask me about the mare you are wanting to breed.
2. Please only ask about mares of minimum 500 stats and 60 confo.
3. This service goes to the first person who asks about a mare who meets my requirements.

Masqued Identity is a second gen horse who came with me from the old EV...his breeder does not appear to be on the new one, and from the looks of it, he is the only foal out of his mother. He has four siblings through his father, but otherwise his line is apparently pretty rare. He'd make an excellent outbreeding for a confo herd.

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