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[lurk] - offline - requests

ForumsArt Gallery and Critique → [lurk] - offline - requests

[lurk] - offline - requests

#84099 Posted on 2016-12-30 10:54:58

Request Stream
Mobile: 860-678-205

- I tend to swear
- I tend to browse the web every so often (I have other websites I need to do stuff on)
- I tend to look at tutorials and for pictures on Google to look at (for art)
- I usually always have a Youtube video opened in the background. Depending on what it is, I may have to react to something going on in it and turn to that tab

Request Stream Warnings
- Wait your turn!!
- No begging over and over again
- If you want a request you may not leave the stream while I'm working on it. It will either go to someone else, myself, or be trashed if you do
- If I say no to something you may not have a tantrum

Art Warnings
- The art might not always be horses. It may be dogs or other animals as well
- All of my art is SFW! Do not expect anything NSFW
- Be warned, I'm still learning how to use my tablet. My style and how good I'm at drawing may move all over the place

- Requests
- Practice my art
- Maybe do a few art deals on dA

Requests I Can Do
- Designs
- Headshot images
- Possibly fullbody images (not likely)

Last edited on 2016-12-30 at 15:26:07 by Nannuak (Lurk)

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#84108 Posted on 2016-12-30 11:14:50

I have to restart to fix my tablet driver

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