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Long time no see

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Long time no see

#78848 Posted on 2016-12-09 18:41:02

Wow it's been a while since I've been on here.. hoping I can get back into the game now that life has quieted down a bit.
This September I started high school and it's been..okay. Super stressful since I'm mainly taking classes meant for juniors, but I'm still alive :)
I got the opportunity to take the pony to state finals which was amazing! Almost all of our rounds were clear (except for our pony eq trip, she ran out of a line) and we pinned 3rd in one of our o/f classes and 3rd in our hack out of around 30 ponies (most of which were probably worth 4-5x times as much as her!). I was super proud of her seeing as if was her first ever finals type of thing, couldn't of asked for a better pony. Hoping to do her green year at the A rated shows this following season (2'6) so that will be exciting! Lots of things to do to get ready for it but I can't wait. Unfortunately this is probably going to be my last season with her for numerous reasons, but I'm going to make the most of it and I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

How have y'all been?

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