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ForumsMiscellaneous Chat → Byeeee


#75315 Posted on 2016-11-11 09:13:27

Hey, guys.

So, Wish has had a lot going on lately. She has a baby on the way. She just moved very far from home. She misses her mom. And she needs to spend more time with her hubby.

Wish is finding it very hard to juggle things. She needs to get everything straightened out in real life. And she feels guilty because her pixel pons weren't getting the attention they so desperately wanted. And Wish isn't really sure why she's still referring to herself in the 3rd person.

So, Wish has come to a conclusion.

She needs to leave Equiverse.

For good.

She'll miss everyone terribly, but real life is calling. So wish must say goodbye to all her friends.

She feels sorry for abandoning her role play friends. But her real life needs attention, and she can't worry about having to keep logging in to reply to her buddies so she doesn't let them down.

But she loves you all. And she wants everyone to know that. Thank you to all of her wonderful friends.

3rd Person Wishy, OUT.


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