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*Eternally* frustrated

ForumsEquiverse Chat → *Eternally* frustrated

*Eternally* frustrated

#49926 Posted on 2016-06-28 21:47:53


I have what I would consider quite a few bargins up for sale at the moment, all highly statted, high confo, pretty coloured and patterned foals.

I just can't understand why they're not selling.

Like I've spent the last 18 weeks prepping their mums and dads, they're only second gen so no messy lines, and I can't sell them!

As much as I love the game, if after all that work they're not even worth half of what you've put into them, not even including the time, I can't help but feeling like what's the point?

How do you all cope with the frustrations of pixel pony sales? Selling my horse in RL was easier than this!

There, rant over, *sigh*

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#49959 Posted on 2016-06-29 03:29:44

I took a look at the two horses you have for sale on this account. I think one of your problems may be that you are raising Tennessee Walking Horses for driving. The two most common specialties for that breed are dressage and endurance. A lot of people won't buy horses outside of their specialty because if you breed two horses raised in different specialties, the offspring end up not showing well.

Also, their conformation is actually in the foundation horse range. Not a huge issue, because a lot of people don't bother with conformation (it's very hard to breed for conformation, so many people just concentrate on color and stats.) However, if they were up in the 70s or 80s, then the conformation might be considered a draw.

It can be difficult to sell horses. If you're going for an unsual breed/specialty combination, you really do need to be offering something really exceptional. You could introduce more rare colors, like champagne or silver, or really go the extra mile for stats by hand showing (it is possible to bring a foundation horse to the Regional levels, but it takes a lot of work.) Otherwise, your only hope is to drop the price, unfortunately.

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