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Hello everyone!

#47008 Posted on 2016-06-14 08:04:20

Hey guys! I had an account back before the reboot, but I wandered away from EV for a bit before coming back. The site looks great, and hopefully it won't take too long to start relearning the way things work. I've been on a few other horse SIM sites (one of them for five years... geez) but it's nice to be back.

This time around I'm attempting to focus on being a Welsh Pony breeder. So good luck to me with that XD Ponies are so troublesome in real life at times, so I'll bet I'll have a bit of a challenge ahead of me. Although, of course, every breed poses a challenge in some way.

For myself, I live in Florida. I'm female and in the 18-25 age bracket. Art and roleplaying are my two most common digital activities, although I don't roleplay much on horse sites. I don't game much, but I've played a bunch of NASCAR-esque games, as well as a bit of Skyrim, and I love Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. Right now I'm temporarily living with my parents but I'll be able to move in with friends around the end of July, which I'm excited for. We'll be living pretty close to the beach, which is always fun.

I don't ride much in real life these days; when I do, I ride Western. A good part of that is trail riding and such, but I also still ride with my local mounted shooting club. If you have never done that, I would highly recommend it. Super fun, great people, and a good way to help bombproof your horse. My club has been around for quite a while but I've only been riding with them for about three years. Since I don't ride my own horse, I ride my friend's Arabian mare, or sometimes a QH mare that is built like a freaking tank.

All right, I'll leave everyone alone. Just wanted to say 'hi' and that I'm happy to be here! Feel free to ask me any questions. Usually I don't bite, and never too hard. So hello, hello, and good luck to everyone with their playing!

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