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genetics help?

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genetics help?

#41456 Posted on 2016-05-27 09:59:49

I have a pair of mustangs and am curious what the odds of getting an exact foal genotype is. I want to make sure I leave enough time for multiple breedings if necessary :)

I'm only including relevant genetics (I don't care about base color)

Stallion: Crcr Dd Chch Ff zz Rbrb
Mare: crcr Dd Chch FF Zz RbRb
Desired Foal: Crcr DD ChCh Ff Zz RbRb

thanks in advance!

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#41529 Posted on 2016-05-27 15:24:42

Well, I'll give it a try.

You have a 50% chance of getting a Crcr foal.
You have a 25% chance of getting a DD foal.
That brings it to 12.5%.
You have a 25% chance of getting a ChCh foal.
That brings it to 3.125%.
You have a 50% chance of getting a Ff foal.
That brings it to 1.5625%.
You have a 50% chance of getting a Zz foal.
That brings it to 0.78125%.
You have a 50% chance of getting an RbRb foal.
That brings it to a final percentage of 0.390625%.

Of course, if you are OK with a Dd or Chch foal, which would bring the same color as a DD or ChCh, that percentage goes up a bit, but not much. Only to 3.515625%.

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#41539 Posted on 2016-05-27 17:13:29

oh thank you!
i understand the genetics bit, it's just the math part that threw me off :D

having less than a 4% chance deff means i need to start making foals as soon as the parents' stats are up to par :P

thank you! :)

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