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Ref Sheet Contest/Name Contest (20 EVC Ends: 2/30)

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Ref Sheet Contest/Name Contest (20 EVC Ends: 2/30)

#41214 Posted on 2016-05-26 13:35:26'll be the 28th.

Alright, I have a character in mind, and he will be very much used in RP. My issue in making him is that I cant seem to spew him out of my head and into the visual realm, which is pretty sad for me, BUT I want him out of my head and into the open as soon as possible, I will have the end date added to this contest once I get a few entries and can figure out an appropriate end date, but I would love to give someone the oppurtunity to earn some money to get themselves whatever they need, be it a deluxe or various other credit shop items!

I will be EXCEPTIONALLY picky about this character, as I am already so attatched to him despite him not being out in any form. so take your time and put your best efforts into this please. And I DO reserve the right to end this contest without a winner if the entrants are not to my liking, however, the best entry will still receive 2 EVC.

He is also lacking a name, and I will hold a secondary contest that for that within this thread.

As the title says, the prize is 20 EVC (A $10 usd value)

What this character needs:

A double sided ref sheet.
Custom lines are VERY much preferred, and probably the only way you'll get this character just right.

Baroque or Light draft build. I LOVE feathering. (Bonus points if it's only on the back half of the legs).

Black Mane and Tail, MUST be on a perlino or pale sable champagne base with black leg points akin to a buckskin or bay.
I love stripes (dun and zebra), runes and swirls. Get creative with those, but do not make it overly complicated. I will need to be able to replicate them fairly easily myself. I also love dapples.

Eye color...suprise me, have fun, but I would prefer not generic red eyes. I love red eyes, but I feel that they would be too cliche for this character. This does not mean I won't select a winner that uses red eyes if it REALLY seems to tie everything together.

Scars. At least one over his eye. He's an ancient being, so you can have many scars or a few scars. Lacerations, burns, lichtenberg, whatever, be creative, BUT he must have it over ONE eye, thus leaving him blind in that eye.

I would vastly prefer custom lines so that his personality really shines through.

He is a psychopath. Evil to the core. Comparable to the likes of Ed Gein. This NEEDS to be displayed, if not in the full body shot, then in a headshot displaying a psychopathically joyful expression baring his teeth that show his "Fangs" These can either be shortened tusks, or elongated wolf teeth/canines.

Wings. He needs wings. On the double sided ref, show one side with wings and the other without. The wings should be scarred, broken, disjointed, or even severed. but there needs to be some sort of wingage.

A hybridized lion and horse tail. Siren did a perfect job on interpretting that in the ref sheet she did of my Khyrion.

Cloven hooves would be nice but are not an end all be all.

A horn, but a broken one. Nothing dangling, but broken.

Add-ons. I would love to see some fitting add-ons. No capes or drapery though, but rather things like piercings and jewelry.

Color swatches. You must provide color swatches on the ref as well.

Pro Tip: I have a thing for Classical Roached manes like you'd see on ancient greek reliefs. I also like little imperfections like Chipped hooves.

NOW The naming contest:

It needs to be strong. Elegant. Piercing.

The prize for the best name will be 50,000 EVD. (Whether I use the name or not, there will be a winner)

Below is my failed attempt at this character. But, it does display the expression I am referring to. Mostly. I woudlnt mind him looking more psychotic than that in the headshot.

This character is responsible for Ruki's Luka being an Amputee. Information and Luka have been shared with permission from Ruki.


* Collaborations are more than welcome!

`texan (#101820)

Radosny Rabarbar

Last edited on 2017-02-05 at 11:16:16 by -❆-Buck

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#41537 Posted on 2016-05-27 16:45:37

I'll work on an entry that will probably end up being terrible ... :P I'm sure you're not looking for rather cartoonish traditional art, but I'll still give it a go!

As for the names ...

Worst Nightmare
Demented Rogue
Madman of a Horse
(or just Madman)
Bloody Rogue

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#41540 Posted on 2016-05-27 17:22:12

I can't art. So. Names.

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#41575 Posted on 2016-05-27 19:35:40

I like Malicious by Tidewater! XD I might try this soon ;)

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#41642 Posted on 2016-05-28 04:44:50


The Joker
Recipe for Joy

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#41667 Posted on 2016-05-28 06:44:33



If you name him Malicious, his nickname could be Mal xD

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#41669 Posted on 2016-05-28 06:58:29

Thank you all for entering the naming contest :D

And Tidewater, I am okay with traditional art. The most important thing is getting his design :D

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#41690 Posted on 2016-05-28 09:16:20

Do you want him in a pose to show his personality or is standing okay as long as the headshots are of him being kind of evil?

Also what jewelry were you thinking about? I was envisioning little hooped earrings but I want to cater it to what you would like!

^ these is definitely not mine, but which one looks most like what you are envisioning as a double sided ref sheet?

Which of these colors appeals to you more? You had expressed desire for a perlino or sable champagne. I work with markers, so it's a little hard to get exact colors, but which shade should I go for? or


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#41698 Posted on 2016-05-28 09:35:04

Do you want him in a pose to show his personality or is standing okay as long as the headshots are of him being kind of evil?
A standard standing stance is fine, a tucked head would be nice to subtly display "power".
The headshot is the most important one for displaying the psychopathy he holds within his mind as well as showing his teeth/fangs/tusks

Also what jewelry were you thinking about? I was envisioning little hooped earrings but I want to cater it to what you would like!
Honestly, whatever you think works with the design. Hoops, Industrials, lip rings. anything that comes to mind so long as he's not OVERLY pieced like a body mod enthusiast. Lip rings, nose rings, earrings. Hoops, bars. Anything. It just has to be cohesive. That's the only thing Im concerned with.

these is definitely not mine, but which one looks most like what you are envisioning as a double sided ref sheet?
A combination of the last two would be nice, but I do like them all, and I am not really too concerned with the over all layout, so long as it displays the most important things. Expression, coloring, markings, wings

Which of these colors appeals to you more? You had expressed desire for a perlino or sable champagne. I work with markers, so it's a little hard to get exact colors, but which shade should I go for?
I do have a soft spot for champagnes, HOWEVER, I am equally attracted to the champagne and the perlino for this character. And to further elaborate on color, His markings can be any color that work provided that the black legs and tail are there. So you could risk making him a pinto of some sort, give him zebra striping, etc. I would just like him to be as unique as possible, yet still passable as a sort of "vampire"

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#41733 Posted on 2016-05-28 11:48:51

Sorry to keep asking you questions!! This will turn out terribly regardless but I hope it will give the other entrants something to work off of ♥

What markings does he have besides the scar over one eye and black points/zebra markings? Any? Like a stripe, star, etc?

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#41737 Posted on 2016-05-28 11:53:44

Also for the name contest ... (full list, including my earlier mentioned names)

Abaddon (means evil)
Erebus (means darkness)
Apollyon (means destroyer)
Worst Nightmare
Demented Rogue
Madman of a Horse
(or just Madman)
Bloody Rogue

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#41743 Posted on 2016-05-28 12:01:54

You're fine!

As for the markings, that's part of the contest. You can go pinto, you can go solid with socks, whatever you think looks best in the design. :)

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#41794 Posted on 2016-05-28 14:44:43

Also names...
Kept thinking of them while I drew...

Fanged Menace
Devil's Advocate
Devilish Grin

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#41915 Posted on 2016-05-29 01:36:51

Ahh! I would enter if I had enough time. But I suppose I can suggest names. :D

Cornelius Condemned
Devil Parade

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#41959 Posted on 2016-05-29 09:01:29

thats okay, Adie! This will probably be open for awhile, to give people a chance to enter with their best ^_^

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