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College Life [RP]

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College Life [RP]

#37019 Posted on 2016-05-08 08:29:01

You take a deep breath and walk out of the airport. The sun peeks out of the fluffy clouds, and the cold weather blasts in your face. You are in winters Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, stepping out of the Bar Harbor Airport. You catch a taxi and hop in. "Thatcher University," you say to the driver. He raises his eyebrows, but turns and steps hard on the pedal, the car lurching forward. About 15 minutes later, he pulls up in front of a large brick building. You pay and get out, grab your luggage and head towards the grand building...

My only wish is that everybody gets along & uses proper grammar!

@Libra: You need to post your male at the sign-ups before you start.


Adelaide Bulogiorno & Jackie Reyes: Westwoods Hall, Room 203

Ella Woods, Gabriel Milwood, & Olivia Silvers: Apley Hall, Room 116

Micah Owens & Mark Adams: Hastings Hall, Room 419

Ellis Abbey, Skyler Milwood, and Libra's Male: Oliver Hall, Room 309

Each dormitory has 4 floors, with 20 rooms on each floor. The girls' dorms (Westwoods Hall, Apley Hall, Morpheus Hall, Hollis Hall, and Willowtree Hall are the main dorms, with other smaller ones) are on one side of the campus. The boys dorms (Hastings Hall, Oliver Hall, Redleaf Hall, Florence Lani Hall, and Justin Hall are the main ones, with smaller dormitories) are on the other side on the campus, about a 10-15 drive. Boys are not allowed in the girls' dorms after 8, and same with the boys.

Last edited on 2016-05-08 at 09:19:00 by Noelle

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#37034 Posted on 2016-05-08 09:42:53

Trust me, my posts will get shorter!!

Ellis walked out to the huge, metal gates, lugging his two suitcases, carry-on, and backpack with him. He took out his Thatcher University ID card and swiped it in a small, black security scanner. It made a sharp beep and flashed a green light. A moment later, the two gates slowly swung open. "Please enter and wait for your chauffeur to bring your car. Ellis stepped inside, and the gates closed. He tugged his Tesla beanie, getting chilly, as he looked up at the gray sky. A couple minutes later, a old, chubby little man zoomed up in a Ford Mustang. Ellis smiled, remembering when he selected the Mustang from a wide variety of Thatcher University's free rental cars for students. The man introduced himself as Daniel, and chatted with Ellis as he drove him to his dorm.

Jackie stood up, groaning as she stretched her sore legs. Arriving early, a quiet, middle-aged woman named Susan had picked her up in the cream-colored, convertible Volkswagen Beetle that she chose a few days ago. She went straight to her dorm, following her dad's advice, and unpacked everything. Now that she was done, she looked around the room. A spacious dorm, it had several windows, giving it a clean, open feel. On her side of the room, Jackie had hung up her nicest clothes and swimsuits, and put her casual clothes in the small, white dresser across from her bed. Now, she could take Nana, her brown and white Shih-Tzu puppy her parents had gotten her as a going-away present, on a walk and check out the pool.

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#37145 Posted on 2016-05-08 23:29:00

Ella thanked the driver and stepped out of the cramped taxi. Her legs shook, and her body threatened to faint. She leant against her huge bag and stared at the large building. The taxi driver honked the horn loudly and she walked off with her heart pounding.

She swiped her card and the gates swung open. Sighing, she walked over to a wooden bench to wait for her car.

A creamy Range Rover pulled up with a pretty young female inside it. She jumped in and drove to the school carpark.

She pulled up and walked into the office. "Ella Woods, thanks." She said to the receptionist. "Apley Hall, Room 116, with Gabriel Milwood, and Olivia Silvers." She muttered. "Now to get there." She muttered again.

Mark stepped out of the taxi and walked to the gates. He stood and waited for his car.

A metallic blue Ute cluttered out, and he jumped in. He drove to the carpark, checked in and went to unpack.

Mark was happy with his room. It wasn't too big, but not too small. He chose the bed by the window, and arranged his items. All of a sudden he stopped at a photo. It was of his horse back at home, Boudicatte.

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Malibu Estate

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#40474 Posted on 2016-05-23 23:11:55

(Has this died already? XD)

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