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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#261654 Posted on 2022-10-27 16:53:11


Isles of Nowhere


Isle of Dreams

Isle of Mountains

Isle of Fear

Isle of Happiness

Isle of Water

Isle of Despair

Isle of Darkness




Azulia - Peaceful, caring, a bit mean and rude, Azulia is the one who leads in desparate times and chooses to care for others and gives no crap for anyone trying to hurt friends.

Dra - Kinda like his name, he rules over the Isle of Darkness as a volcanic and erupting fiery magma horse that also sprouts bat wings, he stays in his kingdom and his castle and dares not to come out, or else he'll be too far away from his bathing and bed of lava.

Winter - Cold, chilly, and frosty, this mare hails from Alaska from the isle known as Isle of Ice, she tends to migrate to chillier climates as Alaska is starting to it's own cool.

Stone: She loves to stay in the mountainy region of the isle Isle of Mountains, she is used to pulling heavy items and larger cargo on her back, she is also a multi runner and runs like the flash!

Trickster: Trickster loves to trick horses, he's known for many tricks, and his mate Carrion supports his tricks as she has been played by him many times. That's how they fell in love.

Carrion: Carrier of Carrion and unalive animals, she takes the unalive animals to a secret pool that keeps their lost souls in there until they are ready to go to heaven. She is also Trickster's mate and mother of two or possibly three?

Faith: Faith is the goddess of hope and prayer, she answers everyone's prayers and helps the ones who lost the way as she and Carrion are the same. And Hope is the younger child of Faith and will take her sister's steps after her sister has passed.

Ashton: Lovely bigger sister of Ashley and Apple, future mother and grandma, lover of science and fictional books to read to bypass time. Ashley, little sister of Ashton and Apple, but has the brain's and raw mentality to continue going forward and ignoring home. Apple, middle child of Ashton and Ashley, has the most intellect when dealing with puzzles and riddles, everyhorse calls her the Riddler or Solver.

Snips: Snips is Soup's younger sibling and true brother of Soup, he cares for her daily since they were forced out of their herd and ended up in isle of Dreams on accident. Soup is the Duchess of a great Duke in Isle of Dreams and older sister of Snip, both get along well and one has been married into a rich and caring family.

Iccalus: Servant and great butler of Lucifer, he serves his master and wants to see an old friend that he never met again. But Lucifer is the Lord and Founder of Isle of Darkness that is a corrupted land of fire and magma, he finds shiny objects valueable and will consider high prices for valueable objects.

Prism: One legendary gem pony and already has the history of the Isles of Nowhere already written down, Prism is the eldest horse and founder of Isles of Nowhere, she likes to play and adopt lost foals or sells things that she can't keep anymore. She is already 12045, pretty old right?

Jackeroo: Half kangaroo blood and all horse, this speedy fella will wear you down before you know it! He's friendly and cuddly, as long as hugs are available.

Rugged & Unity: Rugged & Unity are twin sibling's and want to stay it like that even though they are not related, they share the same thing's and have the same favorites, so they consider themselves to be sibling's of different mother's.


Kingdoms (For Kings & Queens In The RP and Book)


Kingdom of the Sea

Kingdom of the Air

Kingdom of Darkness

Kingdom of Mountains

Kingdom of Sapphires and Gems

Kingdom of Love

Kingdom of the Stone

Kingdom of Carnage

Kingdom of Fiction


Villages (For Horses With Expanded Knowledge)


Village of Fiction

Village of Sea

Village of Air

Village of Peace

Village of Caverns

Village of Fear

Village of Rock

Village of Dreams


Horse's (COPY)


Horse Name:

Horse Breed:

Horse Markings:



Wild or tame:


Rider (optional):

Herd (optional):

Any siblings:

Any scars from battles:

Abilities (optional):

Magic (optional):

Last edited on 2023-04-19 at 19:31:38 by Lizzy

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#261853 Posted on 2022-11-04 20:55:16

(I don't know if I should delete this or not, so yeah..)

Last edited on 2022-11-11 at 19:24:10 by Lizzy

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#261976 Posted on 2022-11-11 18:28:48

Horse Name: Solstice
Horse Type: Warmblood Unicorn
Horse Breed: Trakehner 
Horse Gender: Mare
Horse Preference: straight
Horse Age: 5
Horse Height: 16.2 hh
Horse Markings: Solstice (ref) has "stars" all over her, dots of different small sizes and colors. She had a gold moon and two dots below her horn, and a sideways black crescent moon with gold dots below it on her flank. Solstice then has a small snip on her muzzle as well.
Horse Coat: Solstice is a bit of a seal brown. Instead of brown coloring though in parts of her body, she has more of a dull gold color on her stomach, chest, and a small amount on her muzzle and around the eyes.
Horse Discipline: n/a
Wild or tame: wild
Personality: Solstice is a shy and quiet mare. She is often alone. Partly because it isn't entirely her fault. Her strange light blue colored eyes makes everyone think she is blind or cursed. It was neither of those things, it's just genetics. Though being alone all the time doesn't bother her half of time since she has social anxiety, but she also hates being alone all the time. Strange isn't it? Solstice is also one that is curious about the world, but also scared to explore it alone. She is a bit of strange mare if you haven't been able to tell by now. Socially awkward, hates being by herself, curious about the world, but scared to learn it's secrets? Yeah she scared of a lot. She's a bit jumpy except for when it's night. Strange, huh? Well it's not that strange she is a unicorn of the night.
Rider (optional): n/a
Herd (optional): Cersei (don't know if I'm meant to pick a village/kingdom or not)
Herd role: Solstice unfortunately doesn't have much of a herd role. Nobody thinks she'll be able to handle one, so she was never given one. This makes her feel like she's nothing, but every now and then she gathers a few herbs, or does small tasks to feel like she's a part of something.
Parents?: Solstice's and Namir's parents were out of the picture not long after she was born. Namir always lied whenever she asked about them, but in reality they died a horrible death when they had gone on a quest on behalf of the herd leader despite the filly just being born. Though, neither Solstice or Namir know what really happened to them, so Namir just lied to make it easier on the filly.
Any siblings: Solstice does indeed have a older brother, but he left the herd a few years back. Namir may have been a tough and rude stallion, but he was the only thing Solstice had. The only one that protected and helped her. She misses him a lot, but with him gone, the others take advantage to pick on her more which only lowers self self esteem more. Though Namir does visit every once in awhile. Though it's not enough for Solstice.
Any scars from battles: Solstice does have a few minor and very hard to see scars on her dark colored body due to the other stallions and mares picking on her, but it's not anything crazy or severe.
Any titles?: Solstice unfortunately doesn't have any title inside or outside of the herd other then "Freak." Everyone thinks she's a freak only because of her eyes. She isn't, but there isn't anything she can do about it. She didn't the self esteem to stand up to the herd. Even the foals called her a freak. Though every once in awhile, she hears the others mention a prophecy. One that she always thought was about her...what she didn't know was that it WAS about her, and she would be granted the highest title out there one day. What will it be? Well you'll just have to wait on that one.
Abilities/Magic (optional): Solstice mainly has the magic of the night, but she often doubts her unbelievable abilities. Due to this, she hardly uses her magic. Though is able to teleport herself in other's dreams, give others dreams or take them away, control the tides, and a few other things. Her and the others just don't realize her great power.
I think that's all I'll put right now...I might end up adding to this later. I feel like there's a couple things that are missing.

Last edited on 2022-11-11 at 18:53:58 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#261980 Posted on 2022-11-11 19:16:50

(I see my mistake, I'll edit the villages and kingdoms in a minute, sorry about the confusion! And alright! I'm also putting the first reply I had to here, just to make more sense!)

Azulia walked down a path covered by grass, she stops to lift her head up to hear something, but it was only birds flapping their wings and flying away, as Azulia continues walking, she stumbles upon a lake. Not a large lake, but something of it, she cautiously walks down to the lake and licks her lips, the cool refreshing water.

Then as she arches her neck to meet the water, she begins drinking water and then her muscles begin to relax and her tension is taken away as the silence of nothing but birds, the water rippling, fish swimming, and the water splashing as Azulia looks up at the sky as she sighs and she walks to a tree as the grass was flattened out.

Azulia takes the flattened grass as her bed, and begins to drift off to sleep, the comfortable silence fills the air and Azulia is now asleep peacefully. Dreaming peacefully..

Meanwhile as Faith looks up at the sky, the meadow was peaceful, but served it's purpose as Faith looked around the meadow, she then looked over at a small little prairie, the little foals playing as they were being watched by their dams. Faith then was nudged as she looked at her friend, another mare of different color.

"Oh hello Prism, didn't see you here, and aren't you supposed to be at the Crystal Caverns? Or the Crystal Caves?" Faith asked Prism, the mare was see through but Faith didn't mind it.

"I am supposed to be at the Crystal Caverns, but my lead stallion let me see you until it was getting dark, y'know how Twilight is towards his mares. Especially expecting ones." Prism answered Faith's question, looking over at the foals playing while their mom was nearby.

"Well, you should get going, before this herd has their lead stallion come back and spot you. And we do not want to get into another mare fight.. Especially what happened to Soup's younger brother on accident." Faith said as the mare began searching for the lead stallion.

"Alright, I'll leave, no fun in staying if you don't want to run." Prism said as she swooshed her tail and disappeared by the sun reflecting off of her shiny, gem-like coat.

Anyways as Azulia was walking to another herd, the mare didn't mind seeing another herd as it meant that horses being picked on was granted to be in the herd, just like Azulia, she was always picked on, she has no memories of being picked on due to her genetics. The only thing that was genetically different about her was how she always forgot something, but never another horse's name.

As Azulia started walking towards the herd, the herd looked at Azulia as her striking coat was surprising, the mare looked like a paint bomb went off on her, her eyes were sapphire to deep ocean blue, the only differences about the eyes is when she is feeling distressed or threatened. Deep blue ocean eyes mean to feel threatened as her normal eye color was the sapphire and emerald green eyes, both eyes that are sapphire means that she senses another horse being picked on.

When the mare stepped up to horses and checked their niceness or badness, this tells Azulia who is not to join the herd and who gets to be in the herd, but as the stallion tries to draw Azulia's attention away, Azulia pays no mind to him as she continues to search for the mare that is giving off a distressed sense to Azulia.

Then Azulia's friend, Prism, a gemstone pony. Prism followed behind Azulia's steps and stopped in front of the herd, the stallion looked at the prismatic horse, everyone knew who Prism was since she was a gemstone pony, very valueable in a herd, everywhere where horses were, everyone knew Prism. But they also know that Prism is the first gemstone pony to have joined another herd that was not a gemstone herd..

Because of this, gemstones become more common to see around herd's, but the most valueable ones were diamond gemstone ponies, when diamond gemstones were at an angle, you could see the rainbow and other gems in their coats. They could also foretell the future, and Prism was the most valueable one of them all, because of being born in a random lineage with a lot of other gems in her coat, the gems had manifested as a regal gemstone pony.

The rarest out of any rare gemstone pony would have to have ALL OF THE GEMS, which would mean that they could do anything that a gemstone pony couldn't do alone, all gem ponies have a rank, and if Prism had every type of gem pony ability. Then she herself would be wanted in a herd, fortunately for her, the lead stallion followed behind Prism as he stood at the top of the hill and waited for Azulia and Prism to come back.

The lead stallion looked over at the new herd, the mare's in Azulia's and Prism's herd are pretty chill and curious, but they fear for Azulia and Prism's lives as they are most wanted for reasons of breed, color, birth date and their personalities. But they can't be taken since they already joined a herd.

Anyways, as Azulia continues searching the herd for the mare, she sensed more distress and rushes to one side of the herd, sensing the feeling known as "pain", she then spots some horses..

Last edited on 2022-11-11 at 19:22:32 by Lizzy

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#261985 Posted on 2022-11-12 07:50:02

     Solstice was minding her own business as always. She decided to leave the area, but she was sure not to go that far away from everyone. The mare had no way to defend herself if it was needed. She hardly even knew how to use her magic because she never wanted to really learn, and no one wanted to teach her thinking she was cursed. Though no one was sure what curse she had, so they always assumed crazy things. Like if you looked into her light blue eyes, you could acquire the curse. That was just one of the many, but Solstice had no curse. 

     Meanwhile Solstice just looked for some herbs she knew that were starting to run low. Luckily she found a nice batch of exactly what she was looking for. She seemed to have a knack for finding things. Solstice carefully plucked the herbs from the ground and placed them on her back one by one. Once she collected what she could, she walked back over to the herd. It wasn't that far. Solstice could still hear everyone's voice when she was collecting the herbs she found.

     When Solstice returned, she kept her head down low as she walked over to the herbs. She knew that if she wasn't spotted, no one would pick on her. So she tried to keep anyone from noticing. So far so good. The mare removed the herbs on her back one by one placing them in their designated pile one by one. That's when she heard a unhappy voice behind her when she was placing the last one.

     "What on earth do you think your doing near the herbs?" said the voice. Solstice slowly turned around with her head lowered, "I-i w-was just doing some r-restocking..." she said rather quietly. The unicorn in front of her was another mare named Skadi, and she was one of the ones that picked on her often. Seconds later two other unicorns walked up. One stood on each side of Skadi. Solstice knew them as well, Khepri and Isis.

     "Restocking?" Khepri scoffed, "Your not supposed to be over here. That isn't your job. Your job is to stay out of the way, and do nothing. Nobody wants you "helping" them out. Your cursed. Just look at those eyes..oh wait you can't. Bummer." the stallion said as he looked over at Isis who was starting to look Solstice in the eye, "Isis! Do you want to be cursed like her? Don't look at her eyes!" he told his little sister. 

     Solstice just looked down more, "I w-was only trying to help..." she said. The mare hated always feeling like she couldn't help with anything. She was successful several times with restocking herbs without being caught in the act, but she wasn't that lucky this time. "I won't do it again.." she sighed.

     "Well you better not. We have our place, and you know yours. Why you haven't been kicked from the herd, I don't know, but no one wants you here. If I were you, which I'm not, I would have left a long time ago, oh but wait. Your too pathetic. You don't know how to use your magic, and your too scared to go off on your own. Don't look too surprised. You can't do anything Solstice."

     Solstice just sighed. They were right. She was pathetic. Nobody liked her. The others just turned around to see Azulia. They stopped dead in their tracks. Solstice slightly looked up, but she took her chance and just fled the scene. Solstice jumped out of there and left the herd. She went to the same place she found the herbs. It wasn't anything special, but it got her away from everyone even though she could still see everyone and hear them. 

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#261998 Posted on 2022-11-12 15:58:00

As Azulia saw Solstice leave, she knew that was the one she was looking for, so she went after her, she paid no mind to the other horses since they also thought that Azulia was also cursed. But she was independent which made her strong and known for that, anyways as Azulia gallops after Solstice, following the mare's distress she was giving off.

Then as Prism sniffs around the herd, enjoying how she entered as she also went after Azulia, then Faith came along and fluttered down to where Solstice was, Azulia and Prism reached the mare as Faith began talking with her. Then Faith saw Azulia and Prism, so she neighed them over to come join the conversation. Then Faith went back to talking with the mare.

"Dear child, do you know who I am?" Faith asked Soltice, Azulia then cautiously walked over to Faith and Solstice "And I am a friend of Azulia and Prism, both are from a different herd, but they are known." Faith then told Solstice who her friends were.

"Anyways, Azulia was looking for you, she could sense your distress." Faith told Solstice as Azulia butted into the conversation, "It's more of a gift then a curse, but my herd hated me for it, but I was a useful tool for the stallion and everyone else in my old herd." Azulia said, being used to being bullied, Prism just stood away from the mares but stayed near them.

"Oh and our dearest and rarest horse or pony of all herds is Prism! She just standing over there." Faith looked at Prism as she was munching on some grass.

As Prism looked up at Faith as she trotted over to the three, "Need anything?" Prism asked Faith and Azulia, Azulia walked up to Prism and had her introduce herself.

"Oh yeah, I'm Prism! The first gemstone pony to ever be the rarest of all gemstone ponies!" Prism said as she introduced herself, then Azulia did the same thing.

"And then there's me, Azulia, the seer of sense! I can sense anything that a horse is giving off, including emotions, and your soul as well." Azulia said, her eyes shifted to a bright pinkish hue.

"And lastly is me, everyone knows who I am, and everyone knows who my sister is." Faith said as she brought out her majestic white wings, Azulia just shook her mane to shake off anything on her.

Prism walked up to Solstice and her look to another herd that was on a hill, the stallion looked to be tending to the mares in the herd, "Our lead stallion is the kindest of all stallions, he doesn't mind to be yourself, in fact he encourages it." Azulia said to Solstice, the mare still looked like a paint bomb went off her.

"Yes and their lead stallion is the one who invited all mares that were picked on to join his herd." Faith added to what Azulia said, she then tended to her feathery wings.

"He also was picked on, like Azulia and the other mares that I wanted to join with." Prism added on last, her gemstone coat shimmered in the light a bit.

"We are all the same, being picked on and joining in another herd that truly is like us, is the reason that we want you to join!" Azulia proudly said aloud, the mare then nickered away at Solstice, caring for her like a big sister.

As Azulia turned to face Faith, a big scar was shown on body, the scar looked like it healed for awhile, Azulia then itched herself on the leg. Prism then joined in on what Azulia and Faith were talking about..

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#262000 Posted on 2022-11-12 17:02:35

     The three that were bullying Solstice just watched as Althea ran after the pathetic mare. "Why would she want to talk to her?" asked Isis as she looked at the other two. "It doesn't matter. She's gone..for now. You know her. She's too scared to leave the herd. Why anyone would want a mare like that in their herd, I don't know. She's just so pathetic." Skadi said as she turned away. "She'll for sure be back."

     Solstice just ran as far as she needed to. Well maybe she could have gone further, but she never liked being too far away from the herd no matter how much the other's picked on her. If she would ever be on her own, she probably wouldn't even last a week. Solstice just kept her head lowered as a few tears came to her eyes. That was when she heard a unfamiliar voice. She tried to make it look like she hadn't been crying, but there was no use.

     She looked up enough to look at who it was speaking to her. Though she never saw them before, Solstice somehow knew who she was. It was Faith. She always overheard the others talking about her, but she wasn't sure why Faith was talking to her. She gave a small nod, but she didn't say anything. Not yet. She then looked at Azulia and Prism. She knew who they were too.

     Solstice just looked down, "Don't look at my eyes..." she mumbled. At that point, everyone had her convinced that she was cursed. Everything everyone said about her she now believed. It got to her that much. She listened to the three of them as they all introduced themselves. After a quiet moment she did the same, "I'm Solstice..." she said looking up slightly, "I'm the only unicorn of the night in my herd..." she said slowly as she glanced at her herd. 

     Did she hear them correctly? They wanted her to join this other herd? She was...wanted somewhere? Solstice wasn't sure if she believed them fully, but she looked at them for a moment before looking down, "Why would you want me...? I'm pathetic..I don't even know how to use my magic, and everyone thinks I'm cursed..." she sighed as she hid the tears that ran down her face. "We aren't the same..." she muttered. 

     Solstice looked up again slightly, and saw a large scar on Azulia. She had some of her own, but they were small and hard to see. They were mainly only visible to her and those who inflicted those injuries on her. Though somehow her brother always noticed them when visited. Oh how she missed him. It seemed he gone for longer periods of time each time he visited, and she wished he stayed with her, but she knew he couldn't protect her all the time. 

     Skadi just stood off by herself watching the three mares talk to Solstice. She snorted angry that those three mares were talking to someone as pathetic as Solstice. "Whatever they see in her isn't there. That mare has no future," she scoffed before she turned around eyeing Isis a bit. Isis took a step back knowing now was not the time to talk to Skadi.

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#262002 Posted on 2022-11-12 19:33:59

"Oh dear, it seems that you are convinced.." Faith said as she knew about Solstice's pain, Azulia began nuzzling the mare, "If you happened to know, we are all the same, no matter how different we are! Azulia was bullied because of the same thing, but different because of her markings.." Prism said aloud, Azulia hushed Prism as best as she could, but it was no use.

Azulia sighs, "It is true of my markings, and because I can sense other's feelings and knowing their pain," Azulia paused before continuing, "I was just a mere filly when my mother abandoned me, and so did my herd when they all saw my marking.." Azulia said, she also began to cry, and so, Prism tried her best to not make Azulia cry.

"I look like a.. Splattered mess.. No one even accepted me into their herd because of how I looked, and that I could never be loved how I wanted to love." Azulia added onto her sentence, Prism just looked back to their lead stallion's herd.

Prism used body language to ask if she could get the lead stallion of her herd, of course Faith agreed to let her get the lead stallion, then Faith looked at Solstice in the eyes and felt nothing, Azulia did the same thing and she just happily neighed!

"See Solstice? You have no curse, not even since you were born! If you wanted you could've just asked us, we've been cursed by more eviler horses, horses.. That actually have more evil in them and can.. Hurt others.." Azulia shivered at the thought, Faith then brought out her wings and covered the two with them, Faith then began the healing process.

As Prism went past the herd Solstice stayed in and had gotten the lead stallion from Prism's and Azulia's herd, the stallion agreed to come as the mares of many different breed's and bullied ones wanted to come as well, and since then, Prism led the herd past Solstice's one as the mares were very protective of each other and showed power to the horses that Solstice was never loved by, then the lead stallion saw Solstice's bullies and went up to them..

"I see you two, who do you think you are?" the lead stallion said in a aggressive, deep, mean voice, he used this voice to scare other horses away to protect his mares or to keep enemies away, the stallion's scars were all over his body as his coat barely stood out, the coat looked like it merged with the scars as dark embroding wings came out and a very large horn came out as well.

Meanwhile Azulia's friends and adoptive parents walked up to Solstice, they introduced themself one by one, trying to make Solstice see that all the horses were the same, then a little foal came up to her with black markings all over her body as one black marking covered her yellowed scelera and light blue eye, the other eye was a normal white scelera and a grey eye, the little foal was so different compared to others..

"Smoke, get back here!" a mare shouted within the herd as a white mare with a broken horn and scarred eye came out to get Smoke the little foal, the mare was also different to the herd and foal.

"Oh hello Mrs. Snow!" Azulia said happily, "How's Smoke doing? Any bullies get her yet?" Azulia asked Snow, the mare tried to use her magic but nothing happened.

Then Azulia got embarrassed as Snow looked down with shame, "I'm sorry, I forgot that you can't use magic.. Birth defect right?" Azulia questioned Snow only nodded her head as the lead stallion stood next to the saddened mare, the stallion had more scars then the mares did, including Solstice since all his scars were different, then embroded dark wings came out then the wings and the horn vanished in thin air.

"I forgot to put those away" the stallion said in a calm voice, he had a mixed variety of different colors on his coat, it reminded the mares of mud. The stallion looked up at Solstice and smiled brightly, showing the mare that he was friendly and that he also showed respect to her as he bowed down to her.

"My fair lady, Prism had gently asked me to show you what it means to be the same, all these mares. Even the ones that have passed and the ones that I foaled with them, as seen with Smoke, that we all share the same pain, and the love that we never got. So I had come to you by my own to show you how it means to carry the burden of feeling the same thing, and that these mares wanted to be in a herd with me, I care about them and they show me the same attention of love, so I ask you; will you join our herd? And become family and do as you please? We also have been in this meadow since I could remember as a colt, that is how long I stayed in my birth place and turned it into something special and dear to me." the lead stallion said, Azulia started crying and one of the mares showed her motherly attention.

Azulia began itching her scar as Faith healed it and the other hidden scars that she burdened in quiet..

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#262003 Posted on 2022-11-12 20:48:54

     Solstice just looked down. She didn't say much mostly because of her social anxiety, but she did her best to hide it. Over the years she learned to hide things pretty easily, but it was only one of the few skills she had. The words "freak" and "pathetic" rang in her head constantly because of her lack of pretty much everything. She never got a break from the herd. Even when she stayed away to let everyone do their own thing without being bothered by her, they still pointed her and her problems out. Why she wasn't kicked from the herd already she had no idea. Maybe it was because of her brother..or something with her parents? She didn't know.

     When Azulia nuzzled her, Solstice just froze slightly. It was..comforting. She forgot what that felt like. The only one that had only loved her or cared for her was her brother Namir. Though because he was always gone, she never got that feeling often. It only put the mare down more. She missed her brother, but she never knew when he was going to come back or if he ever will come back again.

     Solstice looked down as a tear came to her eye when Azulia mentioned her mother abandoning her. She tried not to think about her parents since they abandoned her only days after she was born. Though what she didn't know was that Namir lied to her about what really happened to her parents. She always thought that she would see them again just once, but she was unaware of their horrific passing. 

     Despite this, Solstice tried not to think about her parents. They left her, so why should she also hope to find them? Yeah she wanted to at least meet them, but they just left her. Namir had to raise her instead. He was more then a big brother to her because of it. Solstice just shook her head of the thoughts remembering what was currently at hand. It was common that she got so lost in her thoughts that she forgot about what was going on in the real world.

     Eventually she just looked back up more then she had only to notice them look in her eyes. She just immediately looked back down. That was until she heard what had to say. She wasn't cursed? Her eyes were just that color just because? Years of being told she was cursed, and she was finally fully convinced. Only to realize she wasn't cursed. Solstice didn't say anything though she merely just looked at her herd. 

     Skadi was off doing her own thing with Isis and Khepri nearby. The three were always somewhat close to each other. They looked up at a unfamiliar voice to see a stallion with a ton of scars, "And who do you think you are?" Skadi snorted, "You want that pathetic mare? Fine by me. She's just in our way, and she's not good for anything. Heck she can't even use the magic she has. She's all scared to do anything," she said pinning her ears not caring who she was talking to. Skadi didn't give a crap. She just eyed the herd as they passed through.

     Before Solstice even realized it, she was surrounded by other mares. It was a lot for her since she wasn't used to so many horses being around her without picking on her. She didn't know any of them and it seemed they were acting like they knew her for awhile. It was a bit overwhelming for her. Solstice did look at the mare she overheard couldn't use her magic, so Solstice tried to do something with her magic and her horn, but couldn't. "I was never trained how to use my magic..." she muttered.

     Solstice then looked down at the foal for a moment before she looked up at the stallion of the herd. She listened not saying much as always. She stood there quickly glancing at all the mares she could see. How would her brother find her if he ever returned? That was one of things that kept her in her birth herd. Would she see him again if he ever did come to visit again? She thought about it for awhile before she remembered what her was like. He could find anything, so she came to realize that he would find her one day and they'd see each other again. 

     After thinking for what seemed like eternity, Solstice looked at the stallion of the herd. She gave a small nod, "I suppose I was never wanted in my parents even abandoned me days after I was born...the only one I have is my brother, but I only see him a couple days out of the year..." she sighed missing him. Solstice couldn't think of much else to say. She was still a bit overwhelmed with everyone near her, but she had to get used to it by now..

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#262018 Posted on 2022-11-13 10:25:45

"I guess that's why we are alike, but never really the same, your lucky that you have a brother.." Azulia looked off to the side before talking again "I never really had any sibling's or anyone to be loved by, I was and still will be just a single filly, no matter how young I was." Azulia then perked her head up then down "I was abandoned just hours when I was born, but I at least tried to leave the herd, the lead stallion said I just too young to leave because I wouldn't develope correctly and that I would be.. Unalive.." Azulia cut off her sentence before talking again.

Faith just sighed, "My oh my, you two are like the same, but you both are separated by what you are not." Faith riddled Solstice and Azulia, "No, not one of your riddles, I can't with the riddles." Azulia said as she walked into her herd.

Prism followed behind Azulia as the lead stallion was foraging a little bit, he seemed happy, but then a mare in the herd came up to Solstice as she had one blind eye and a very deep scarred front leg on the right, "I hear that you weren't trained on your magic, correct?" the mare said, "Oh, and my name is Ivoula. And it's a pleasure to meet you." the mare said calmly and collective.

The stallion looked up at the mare, he then began checking all of his mares in his herd, another mare then stepped up next to Ivoula and introduced herself as well, "And my name is Eclipsetess, the guardian of all unicorns of the night!" the blacked out mare said, only a few glittering stars were shown on her coat, then her horn was so tall and not looking like a unicorns horn..

"There's not many unicorns in our herd, so we just have a mish-mash of many different mares, and all are like us! Except I can protect you! I am the guardian after all, and we guardians heal our unicorns that we must protect, even if their scars have healed." Eclipsetess said, she used her magic to instantly heal any wounds that have healed on Solstice.

Then without doubt, a lot more mares started to introduce themselves since Ivoula and Eclipsestess introduced themselves to Solstice, the little foal from before also introduced herself since she was the one that stood out more then any mare in the herd!

"And my name is Smoke, but you may have heard it before from my mother, she's very protective towards her herd. But when she was younger she was banished from her herd, to forever wander the vast plains of loneliness before she met dad! And dad is the one who leads my birth herd! You probably met him, but his name is Prince Scorn of the Banished Herd." Smoke told Solstice, the little foal seemed energetic now.

"Smoke! You weren't supposed to say that he was a prince!" Smoke's mother scorned her, Smoke apologized to her mother and to Solstice, "Im sorry for my daughter telling you about that Scorn is a prince, he actually ran away from his birth kingdom. And yes, Scorn used to live in a kingdom. He actually wanted to run away from his previous life, and so, he did! He met me and our herd members. we even introduce new members into our peaceful herd!" Smoke's mother said.

"Oh and my name is Grey Cloud, I am technically a princess because of Scorn, but we just hide our royalty names and use our previous names. So, uh, yeah!" Grey Cloud said as she left, "Oh and you can call me Grey or Cloud, I don't mind if you use both, or separate!" Grey Cloud added on then she left to go back into the herd.

Azulia just came back to Solstice's side and looked happily into her eyes, "Y'know, if we had more mares interact with you, we technically train and with you." Azulia said, she said it like she wanted to use magic or at least become a unicorn.

Prism then went to Azulia's side and Ivoula stood next to Solstice, the four mares formed a little court, Azulia knew this and just chose to acknowledge it.

"Y'know there was this myth or legend about a stallion having magic even though he wasn't a unicorn, and that he was the most powerful horse to ever run the first ever kingdom created, he has ran this kingdom since this very day, and that his name is Dra, Dra is short for Dragon Devil, both names are his first set and his last set. Because when a foal is born in a kingdom, they are forced to carry two names and not just one." Prism said, Faith came over and scolded her.

"It's quite true that Dra is still alive, and that he has bat wings for a Volcanic Thoroughbred, he not a force to mess with." Faith told the girl's very protectively, "Because if you mess with him, you will not return back to your herd if you battle him." Faith added on.

"But what happens if you succeed on taking his place over?" Prism asked, very curious now. Faith just gave her a very mad look, "If you succeed on taking his place as King or Queen, then a curse will be bestowed on you and you will forever be a Volcanic Pony, forced to run the kingdom and protect your treasure." Faith said as she answered Prism's question, Prism just shook up..

"But why would he want to curse himself? It seems stupid to do that!" Azulia said, Faith used her horn to knock her in the head, "He did not curse himself, I and the other gods cursed him." Faith said chillingly, Azulia was surprised to find this out..

"But why?!" Azulia shouted very confused and worried, Faith calmed her down and just showed her a prjection through her horn.. "Dragon Devil was too powerful to have his power, and that power was too powerful even for us, Zeus couldn't do anything and I was summoned as a goddess to watch over the herds after Dra was cursed to forever be a Volcanic Thoroughbred, a tyrant so evil that none of the Isles could ever come back. And that we would be forced to go to the.. Mainland and forced to become normal horses, no unicorns will stand a chance. And so, that is why Dragon Devil was cursed, to seal his powerful magic and to not destroy the Isles." Faith told Azulia, Azulia just sat down and thought about what she said.

"So you were an angel before you become a watchful goddess?" Prism asked Faith, she just nodded at Prism and accepted for who she was, but she didn't mind that she was watching over Dra and watching this herd that Solstice was now in.

Faith then looked at Solstice with sad eyes, "I am sorry that I dragged you into this conversation, Solstice, but I cannot refuse a question without being answered, it is my flaw after all. And that makes me who I am, a goddess with only one flaw, you have many but will that stop you from being who you are?" Faith asked Solstice, she just looked at her with confident eyes!

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#262028 Posted on 2022-11-13 12:33:18

     Solstice just looked down, "No..I'm lucky that my brother raised me. Without him I wouldn't even be here today..his name is Namir.." she sighed hoping to see him again soon. Though she knew she couldn't be too hopeful about that. "The only one that accepted me was Namir. Everyone rejected me the moment they laid eyes on me. Why I wasn't kicked from the herd at that moment I don't know, but what I do know is that the herd is keeping something from me. I do know that it's something that kept me in the herd as long as it did.." she said looking up and glancing at those from her birth herd that she could see.

     Then Solstice was confronted by a mare she didn't know yet. Solstice tried to at least make her black horn glow, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing happened. The mare just looked down feeling pathetic, "Everyone thought it served no point to teach me how to use my magic..if I even have any. I just had to stand in the background when I watched those my age learn to use their own magic."

     Solstice looked up to see a second mare. She'd never seen another unicorn like her before. For once in a long while Solstice smiled. It may have been a small one, but hey it counted for something. "I've never seen another unicorn like me..." she said looking the mare up and down. For the first time, she didn't feel like a outsider. She always thought she was the only night unicorn, but boy was she wrong. 

     "You'd really want to protect someone like me..?" she asked looking at Eclipsetess before the mare had removed her scars. Solstice just looked at herself for a quick moment curious as to what Eclipsetess did to her. Though she couldn't see any of the few scars she had. They were gone. Just like they were never there, "H-how..?" she asked as she looked at the mare again.

     She then looked down at the filly. She was quite the talkative one indeed. Her father was a prince? Solstice just shook her head, "No I haven't.." she said as looked up at the filly's mother, "It's fine..." she said. She gave a small nod before the mare and filly left for the time being, "It was nice meeting you all..." she said a bit quietly still getting used to being around a lot of horses all at once.

     That was when she saw Azulia again. Before she realized it there were three other mares beside her. Solstice took a small deep breath and tried to mentally shake away her social anxiety. Though she wasn't all that successful, but it helped a little bit which was progress. At least she thought. Though she questioned herself on why they were informing her and each other about this strange stallion. Dra...she'd never heard of him before. Though her herd just kept a bunch of things from her, so it didn't surprise her. 

     Solstice quietly listened to the conservation. She wasn't used to being in the presence of the mares standing beside her. She knew who they were even before they introduced themselves. Solstice just couldn't believe she was in the presence of a goddess. Though she kept those thoughts to herself and listened to the mares talk.

     Then Solstice looked at Faith once she realized the mare was looking at her and speaking to her exactly. "Huh? Oh it's fine..." she said shaking her short mane for a quick moment. Though Solstice went silent when she heard what Faith had to say next. The mare just looked down and after a few long minutes she quietly spoke, "I don't know...." she sighed.

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#262034 Posted on 2022-11-13 13:40:08

Eclipsetess just smiled, "If you want to know how we guardians heal the ones we must protect, then in simple terms, it's just that guardian magic is more stronger then normal unicorn magic, even I can heal other's that aren't guardians." Eclipstess told Solstice, Azulia started to nicker at her foot.

"Oh my, it seems that I am getting comfortable again, Azulia, Prism, Solstice, and of course Eclipsetess. I must go back home before I get comfortable here, I'll see you all again soon!" Faith said as she brought out her wings and started to fly back into the clouds, Azulia stared at her wings.

"I forgot that Faith's wings are so big when they're fully out, maybe that's why I can't remember half the time." Azulia said as she humbled herself, Prism went up to the stallion as he was making sure the herd was alright.

"Azulia! We have to go now!" Prism shouted at Azulia, she neighed at Prism, meaning that she'll be right there!

"I'm sorry Solstice, but it seems that I have to go, but Eclipsetess will be here to keep you safe from anyone trying to get after you, she is also assigned to you. She'll tell you why and how she is assigned to you." Azulia said as she nuzzled Solstice goodbye, then she threw some grass into the air then she ran off to go meet her herd members atop the hill.

"Hm, if you wish to know anything, I'll simply be here to answer anything you want to know." Eclipsetess said as she scanned the area, making sure that Solstice was safe.

Eclipsetess even looked around the area that Solstice was in and looked at anything carefully before returning to Solstice, "I also have a great deal of knowledge about plants! So I can tell you which plants are which and which give off abilities to heal and vice versa." Eclipsetess added on as she stood next to Solstice, making sure her magic healed her.

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#262046 Posted on 2022-11-13 17:44:58

     Solstice just looked down feeling like she should have already known the answer to that question. She just knew nothing about magic. It wasn't much of her fault that she didn't if she could have, she would have taught herself, but she couldn't.  She then just looked over at Faith. Solstice was a bit confused by what she meant, but she gave her a small farewell before looking over at Azulia, "I always wondered what flying would be like..." she mumbled to herself even though she figured the others had heard her.

     Solstice looked at the others for a moment before looking at Azulia again, "Bye then..." she said as she watched everyone else leave except for Eclipsetess. The mare just looked down for a moment before looking up at her, "I'm not entirely sure what to ask....I just always thought things would never change for me..." she sighed looking over at her birth herd, "I got so used to how I was treated there.." she said looking down. 

     Then she remembered the plants behind her, "I know a little about plants...whenever the others were starting to get low on herbs, I would try and find some. Though that's what just got me in trouble..they never liked me being around their areas. I only wanted to feel a little useful.." she said looking down entirely. The only thing she was good at was finding things. At least that she knew of. 

     After a few quiet moments Solstice looked back up, "What do we do now...? Do we stay here or go somewhere else..?" she asked looking at Eclipsetess. Solstice just didn't know what was next for her. She didn't care much what. She was broken and pathetic anyway. She had no skills that she knew of at the time, and she couldn't do anything useful. At least not at the time. 

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#262052 Posted on 2022-11-13 20:05:24

(I was gonna say that you should go to bed, but- yeah anyways!)

"If you want to know what flying feels like, then you should've told me!" Eclipsetess, before, she also looked at Faith as she left, but she forgot to answer that..

As Eclipsetess used her magic to make big feathery wings come out from Solstice's body, the wings fitted themselves where they should have gone and adjusted themself to Solstice's body a little bit, Eclipsetess's tip of her horn oozed out dark, black liquid, Eclipsetess immediately wiped it off and tried to act normal.

"Anyways!" Eclipsetess said, she ignored what happened to her.

"It is entirely up to you, I will follow you and protect you, but I do know where a good calming spot is! It's also a good advantage point-" Eclipsetess said, she looked away before looking back at Solstice.

"Well, sometime in the near future. I just go there and look over at the horizon, feeling calm and how peacful it was. The birds chirping and stuff, it's definately one of my spots to go when I was a little filly." Eclipsetess said, she made her horn glow a little bit, she unlocked a bit of Solstice's power but not saying anything.

"Oh and you said you wanted to feel useful? Darling, you are useful, you just never realize how much potential that you have and share! You never know something when you try it out, that's how I got my magic that way! I never gave up even though my herd members said that I wasn't born with magic, at all!" Eclipsetess yelled, for some reason she yelled..

"But I tried desparately to see if they were correct, but that's how I never gave up and learned my magical spells!" Eclipsetess said, she looked bright and cheery as ever!

"And besides, I know a good spell that unlocks your fullest potential of power!" Eclipsetess yelled happily, her happy mood probably influenced Solstice's but I'm not sure about that. But she take a breather as her heart needed to slow down a bit before talking again, but she bounded right up when she did!

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#262060 Posted on 2022-11-14 08:42:47

     Solstice just used her long black horn to itch a spot on her leg that always seemed to bother her. She wasn't sure why it always did, but she ignored the itch half the time. Though her head shot up when she started to get a weird feeling on her withers. Solstice never felt anything of the sort, but it was like something randomly started to grow on her. What it was she had no idea until she turned her head. 

     "What the.." Solstice turned her head to see wings growing on her back. She blinked and shook her head not thinking it was really happening, but it was. She knew nothing about magic, and it was clear she didn't understand magic. She was a unicorn and yet she knew nothing about magic. Well now she wasn't sure what she was. A unicorn? A pegasus? She wasn't entirely sure.

     Solstice just looked at the wings as she partly spread them out. They matched the color of her coat, but the tips of the feathers had that same dull gold color she had in various parts of her body. She could see the same star like markings as well on them. Solstice just lightly flapped them a few times still not entirely sure what to think. She looked at Eclipsetess and barely noticed the ooze that came from her horn.

     "Are they...permanent?" she asked still in a bit of shock as she looked at the wings again flapping them a bit again. If they were, then it would for sure take some getting used to. Solstice imagined how her brother would react to seeing her right now. Never did she ever think something like this was possible. The mare just folded the wings back to her sides for the time being as she looked at Eclipsetess again, "The place sounds beautiful.." she said with a small smile.

     Skadi was off doing some things on her own when she looked up and looked at Solstice in the distance. "What on earth?" she muttered angrily to herself as she noticed the other unicorn with her, but that wasn't what caught her eye. It was what the unicorn did to Solstice. "How on earth does she now have wings??" she said to herself angrily before calling Khepri over. "Come on..time to see what's going on."

     The mare and stallion just walked over as Solstice immediately noticed the two coming their way. She lowered her head and tried to hide, but couldn't. "Well well well....looks like someone was pathetic enough to get a bodyguard," Skadi laughed, "..and what's this? Wings? Even if you were born with them you wouldn't be able to fly. Heck you can't do anything with that pathetic horn of yours. I wouldn't be surprised if you actually didn't have any magic." she said with a evil-like grin.

     Solstice just said nothing as she looked down. She was used to it, and she couldn't say anything to defend herself. Solstice never was able to. Though Skadi was right. Her horn was just a horn. Nothing special. If she couldn't do magic, then what was it's purpose? "Yeah that's what I thought. Your wasting your time "protecting" this one. You might as well just leave," Skadi said as she looked at Eclipsetess. "She's pathetic."

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