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*Make it possible to sell locked horses

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → *Make it possible to sell locked horses

*Make it possible to sell locked horses

#249901 Posted on 2021-11-26 11:44:43

I tried to test this with one of my paints, and it shows the icon that it’s for sale, but it doesn’t show up under horse search. 
I think being able to sell locked horses could be extremely helpful so that the buyer can get the horse young and be able to show them for their entire lives.
(If this was already suggested I apologize, I haven’t seen it)

Last edited on 2021-12-01 at 14:53:29 by River

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#249924 Posted on 2021-11-27 06:01:34

this would be a super helpful feature. i have a LOT of horses, many of which Id like to sell. I don’t have time to train and show/school them all, so they remain locked (and unsellable). While it’s true that players could always message the seller of a locked horse, the ability to make them sellable with a single click (even when locked) would be much easier. 

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