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Hecate's Tag + Sig (+Combos) Sales

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Hecate's Tag + Sig (+Combos) Sales

#188781 Posted on 2018-09-10 11:22:08

EDIT: After my 2+ years long hiatus, I'm re-opening these sales and extending the bidding time to 20th July 2021

I'm auctioning/selling a few tags, sigs and a few combos (tag + sig). (Deluxe is running out soon so could use the money.)

Info & rules:

-  Watermarks won't be in the actual tags/sigs

You may not edit the tags or sigs
Do not not remove/cover up the copyrights.
You may sell, trade or give away the tag(s) and sig(s) if you don't want to keep them anymore. You may not sell or trade it for more than you paid for.

Photos via Creative Commons image search


1. Equine Sunset  (SB: $5k, MI: $5k, AB: $30k)
SOLD to Spock

photo by Ron Kroetz - Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

2. Black and White Mare  (SB: $10k, MI: $5k, AB: $50k)
SOLD to Spock

photo by Sponchia - Pixabay (CC0)


3. Blue Sunset Beach Gallop  (SB: $30k, MI: $10k, AB: $100k)
SOLD to Spock

photo by Miles Sabin - Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Combos: (tag & sig)

4. Two Horses at Sunset (2 tags!)  (SB: $60k, MI: $10k, AB: $200k)
SOLD to Spock

photo by cosmorider87 - Alphacoders (CC0)

5. Palomino Pony  (SB: $50k, MI: $10k, AB: $180k)
SOLD to Spock

photo by Ulf Bodin - Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

6. Sunset Gallop  (SB: $40k, MI: $10k, AB: $150k)
SOLD to Spock

photo by jplenio - Pixabay (CC0)


You can bid in either EVD or EVC or both.

Bidding closes: 20th July 2021, 20:00 UTC

Last edited on 2021-06-21 at 14:41:12 by Hecate

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#188889 Posted on 2018-09-11 04:56:15

SB on Palomino Pony 

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Spock 🎄🎅

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