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Show Update and more horses

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Show Update and more horses

#120885 Posted on 2017-09-08 15:40:08

Hey everyone :)
I didn't want to revive the 2 month old thread so... here's the link to the original thread for background information :)

I wound up competing with my lesson horse, Tuna. Amazingly, this show only being his second and being my first, we qualified to go to the Dressage Championships at the horse park!!

I have pictures :) :
Also, yes, I have an extreme game face :D . It doesn't seem like it in the pics, but it was very hard to keep Tuna put together.

So, the end of this month and the beginning of October are going to be huge for me. My trainer would like to get a second show in before the championship and I completely agree. 

While prepping for the champs, my trainer and I have come to the understanding it's near time for me to start leasing / a lease to own situation. As much as I like Tuna, he's not my first choice to lease and I would never own him. Also, I want to break into Eventing, which I would prefer to do with a lease or a horse that I can own versus a school horse. Honestly that part is just a preference thing. (Note: I mentioned Savanah in my other post, she can not jump as she had a sesamoid injury)

Thus, we've begun the horse search. My goodness, is it hard. 0.0
Any tips for leasing? Also any fun/interesting show stories you would like to share? :)

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