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Training Center is Alive! And other things...

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Phew! It's been a while since the last news post. It's been a busy, busy time. Here's a breakdown of what's happened in that time.

Training Center
The Training Center is being partially released as of this news post. You will be able to go back and train your adult horses on a daily basis.

When you train them, you will notice on your horse's page that they now have a progress bar showing the amount of Stat Boost Points that horse has earned by training. When your horse has 10 SBPs, you will be able to use a Boost button which will gain your horse stats.

Your horses will gain more stats for each Grade level they are - so the amount of stats earned will be more for a Local horse than a Novice horse.

Due to me being ill (it extended to 2 weeks instead of just the week I expected so I spent less time working on it than I anticipated) I have not yet started on the foal portion of the training center plan. I will be starting on foal training this week. For now, you can train horses from the age of 3 years old.

There are only Novice arenas and I have horses higher than that!
Until members are able to level up their arenas, I have a selection of higher grade arenas in all disciplines available [HERE]. The slots will refresh every hour on the hour if there are no slots available when you look.

New Features & Changes
New features with [S] next to them are suggestions by members that have been implemented.
+ Basic members can now use the Club Card code provided on Club pages as they now use BBCode instead of HTML. It will still show HTML for Deluxe members.
+ The tutorial will now allow you to buy more than one horse.
+ You can now see which suggestions on the forums you have pledged your support for. On the Suggestions and Ideas board, there is a new tab at the top of the page. Click on it, and you will see a list of topics with your decision beside it. I'll admit, this is mostly a new feature for me so I can keep track of what I want to add, but.. still :P
+ [S] Your horse will now show how many times it has won First, Second or Third place in a show. You can see this in the table heading for "Specialty Information".

+ [S] Horses up for stud now have a blue heart next to their names in their division listing, to distinguish from pregnant mares.
+ [S] There is now a link to return to the item stack you were previously in when using an item.

Bug Fixes
+ When leaving a group, you will no longer be given a false success message - you will actually be removed from the group and will receive no more group messages.
+ When fully locking your account, and then unlocking it, horses in locked divisions should no longer be unlocked.
+ Using the different pages when searching for a specific horse color in Horse Search should now work correctly and not omit the color searched.
+ There have been a few issues with the Marking Applicator and Randomiser - they have now been fixed. There may be more issues, so please keep reporting them if you come across anything that seems strange.
+ Similarly, there have been a handful of issues with the custom horse tool. I am working to try and fix everything, but if you notice anything strange going onwards, please keep reporting to the bug board.

If you are reporting a bug about horse coat/markings...
Please include how the horse got the coat or marking - for example, were they born with an issue, or did you use a Coat/Marking Applicator/Randomiser? Did you customise it as a new horse? Was it a breedless imported horse which you customised? This information helps me target specific parts of the code which makes it easier for me to find what could be wrong.

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Posted by

Abbey 🌸

Posted on
2016-04-12 14:11:34


Thanks Abby! You do so much and you are so committed to this game! YAY

Posted by

Foxglove (#98464)
13th April 2016 at 02:02:08