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Yune's Horses

Akhal Teke Mares
L1 AT Cleopatra 61.38
17 year old Smoky Black Akhal-Teke Mare (-66 days paid)
Stats: 412 Conformation: 61.38 Points: 41872 Specialty: Show Jumping
L2 AT Avi 59.12 G
14 year old Buckskin Akhal-Teke Mare (-66 days paid)
Stats: 545 Conformation: 59.12 Points: 26896 Specialty: Dressage
Grade improvement ready L3 AT Chocolate 57.86 1P
9 year old Black Akhal-Teke Mare (-66 days paid)
Stats: 672 Conformation: 57.86 Points: 7832 Specialty: Dressage
L1 AT Alabasti 57.31 2P
9 year old Smoky Cream Akhal-Teke Mare (-66 days paid)
Stats: 423 Conformation: 57.3 Points: 10392 Specialty: Dressage
L4 AT Ichigo 57.79 1P
8 year old Palomino Akhal-Teke Mare (-66 days paid)
Stats: 732 Conformation: 57.79 Points: 3054 Specialty: Endurance
Akhal Teke Stallions
N5 AT Frosted Brownie (58.88)
17 year old Bay Akhal-Teke Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 393 Conformation: 58.88 Points: 49484 Specialty: Dressage
L5 AT Ice Cream 61.92
13 year old Chestnut (Gray) Akhal-Teke Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 823 Conformation: 61.92 Points: 26724 Specialty: Endurance
L3 bMC Rex 58.36
6 year old Chestnut Akhal-Teke Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 622 Conformation: 58.36 Points: 5038 Specialty: Endurance
L1 bMC AT Kane 58.52 M
3 year old Bay Akhal-Teke Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 419 Conformation: 58.52 Points: 480 Specialty: Dressage
L2 bMC AT Perlino 56.80 1P F
3 year old Perlino Akhal-Teke Mare (-73 days paid)
Stats: 499 Conformation: 56.8 Points: 180 Specialty: Racing
Na2 bMC Black Castle 82.56 5E M
3 year old Chestnut Trakehner Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 2052 Conformation: 82.56 Points: 278 Specialty: Dressage
N2 bMC Fleur de la Lune
3 year old Bay Quarter Horse Mare (-73 days paid)
Stats: 194 Conformation: 59.25 Points: 268 Specialty: Western
Other Breeds
Na2 ± RS TRK Stealing Tequila
6 year old Chestnut Trakehner Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 2119 Conformation: 85.4 Points: 6742 Specialty: Dressage
N3 |CCR| CHN Call of the Wild
7 year old Bay Chincoteague Mare (-73 days paid)
Stats: 231 Conformation: 53 Points: 11930 Specialty: Western
Na1 LHR Tokyo Tower 🗼
4 year old Seal Brown Cream Mustang Stallion (-73 days paid)
Stats: 1969 Conformation: 83.35 Points: 564 Specialty: Western
Na1 TRK テスト
7 year old Chestnut Trakehner Mare (-73 days paid)
Stats: 1922 Conformation: 80.62 Points: 8448 Specialty: Dressage