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Former Horses of Cast II (#98940)

Former Horses
{Gld} C.D. Fault In Our Stars - 22 year old Clydesdale Stallion
Grade: L3 LV: 1 Stats: 488 Points: 29481
Excelsior - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Stallion
Grade: L1 LV: 1 Stats: 370 Points: 981
Gone With The Wind - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: N3 LV: 1 Stats: 230 Points: 90
Pepper Potts (ee) [c-ga] - 22 year old Clydesdale Mare
Grade: L1 LV: 2 Stats: 367 Points:
Wildfires In The South - 22 year old Gypsy Vanner Mare
Grade: L1 LV: 1 Stats: 361 Points: 15149