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Former Horses of ObeytheHaze (#4478)

Former Horses
[m.m] Silver Crystal [m.s] - 21 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 1 Stats: 651 Points:
[Mustang] [C] Ahumada Lightnin - 7 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N4 LV: 1 Stats: 299 Points:
[Mustang] [C] Hunted Scared - 6 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N2 LV: 1 Stats: 172 Points:
[Mustang] [C] Land Slide - 2 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: N2 LV: 1 Stats: 175 Points:
[Mustang] [D] Bambi\'s Horn - 4 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: N3 LV: 1 Stats: 239 Points:
[Mustang] [D] Mi Shaya - 9 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: N5 LV: 1 Stats: 324 Points:
[Mustang] [R] Halloween Twiste - 2 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N3 LV: 1 Stats: 220 Points:
[Mustang] [W] Hunter\'s Kill - 9 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: N3 LV: 1 Stats: 201 Points:
[Mustang] [W] Why do You scare - 9 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N2 LV: 1 Stats: 195 Points:
[Nokota] [C] Everything About - 5 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N2 LV: 1 Stats: 151 Points:
[Nokota] [W] Blind Hearted - 7 year old Mustang Mare
Grade: N2 LV: 1 Stats: 161 Points:
[Nokota] Wildfire - 9 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: N3 LV: 1 Stats: 206 Points:
Battle Rattle - 15 year old Friesian Stallion
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 100 Points:
BMB [e.i] Jumper Delight - 22 year old Mustang Stallion
Grade: L1 LV: 1 Stats: 356 Points:
EGS Hopelessly Faithful Dude - 4 year old Akhal-Teke Stallion
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 100 Points:
EGS Letter to your Dead One - 4 year old Akhal-Teke Mare
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 100 Points:
Sharpie Spotted - 16 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: N1 LV: 1 Stats: 100 Points: