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Foals of 🐔Berdi

All Foals of 🐔Berdi
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Gracja 22 years old Ella Gaja
Godryk 22 years old Ella Gwendolina
🐔 Berdi Sona [54.84] 19 years old river 🐔Sona
XSC Peaches And Cream 19 years old redacted | Enduring Ina |
[EN/70/56] Sun's Splendour 18 years old Ria Sinclair А1 К 56 22 23
🐔 Witchcraft [57.97] 17 years old river 🐔Sona
Bisou 4 years old Sugar and Spice 🐔Sona
FTF Wealthy Legend 2 years old Knerten29 [E]🟆 Ghost in the Windowღ /Rb