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Foals of ~Golden Girl~ |To|163|92.66|

All Foals of ~Golden Girl~ |To|163|92.66|
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
~Golden Rae~ AaChffT+ 91.13%& 17 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Harley~ NpEeAAChFf 94.75*
~Goddess~ NpAtaCrffZz 94.33% 15 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ ~Achilles~ NpAtaCrff 96.28
~Trinity~ |Np|135|93.07| 11 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ Moon's Blood | 106
~Golden Mango~ |Rn|182|96.04|& 9 years old ~Blue Mountain Stables~ SPK SplashOMango 97