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Foals of ⊛ descendant of gods 57.33

All Foals of ⊛ descendant of gods 57.33
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
◦°˚EN|56 Notebook ⊛ 22 years old notforgotten ⊛ wise maiden
Lacrimosa 21 years old Hazelnut ⊛ wise maiden
Tapdance (End) 19 years old cinder ◦°˚EN|60 Muffin
Shiloh {60.5} 10 years old LittleLilith_Yandere Azure
Winnie {57.7} 10 years old LittleLilith_Yandere RW Walk the Turf
Summer Heat 7 years old Maple Leaf Estate (Ame) ◦°˚EN|57 Narsil